When Does Everyone Construct a Monastery and Search for Relics?
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February 20, 2023 at 2:11 am #14227
Anonymous Player
MemberIn my effort to become better at playing Lithuanians, I have been practicing against AI opponents.
Despite some successes, I have yet to be consistently victorious.
Even when I am aggressive in the Feudal Age, I often find myself being quickly overwhelmed by a Castle-Knight rush.
Examining the stats, I usually lose in terms of Relic count, as well as other areas such as hotkeys.
This brings me to my question: when is the best time to build a Monastery?
February 20, 2023 at 2:11 am #14228FinnTay
GuestAs Lithuanians it’s justified to open with a monastery in castle age.
You need at least 3 relics to take an advantage from them (2 to compensate the last ~~armor~~ attack up) so if you wait too long, the opponent might take them away from you.
With any other civ I usually only start collecting relics mid/late castle age.
February 20, 2023 at 2:11 am #14229bevriff
GuestIn my experience getting relics is one of those things that AI is much better or at least more consistent at than humans, akin to dodging mangonel shots.
I’m playing lots of Lithuanians this month and a good time for me is mid-castle, for example I’ll have an initial knight rush and boom as soon as I hit castle with them and if my push fizzles out then I keep my knights alive for map presence while I go for relics.
Working fine at 1200.
February 20, 2023 at 2:11 am #14230Snot_Boogi
Guestif youre lithuanians AND youre facing knights – id drop it down as soon as you hit castle age.
monks will help convert as well.
February 20, 2023 at 2:11 am #14231Xhaer
GuestI don’t really play Lithuanians, but my guess would be after you’ve placed 21 farms, established your 2nd TC near a gold mine, and built enough military to secure the relics.
Against cavalry, I’d try two stables + two monasteries with 4 un-upgraded spearmen to escort one of the monks going for the enemy relic.
Against archers, I’d try two stables + two range elite skirms + one monastery.
February 20, 2023 at 2:11 am #14232estDivisionChamps
GuestOn Arabia?
As soon as I can spare the wood and gold. 3 TCs and some army presence and I send a monk straight sideways from my base to scout for extra resources and the relics.
There is usually one on either side and my opponent usually has other things to do than look for random monks.
February 20, 2023 at 2:11 am #14233mojotzotzo
GuestRelics are more important at 1v1s where if it goes to late game and gold is depleted in the map, the 3000 gold that has been accumulated by the relics is essentially 20 paladins and 5 trebs or bbc while enemy can make only trash units and sell 2000 wood or food to buy one treb/bbc.
Generally you should care to take a relic advantage but as the meme says: it depends.
You can’t be going for relics if you got an enemy that is all in early castle age and wipes you because didn’t care to defend and focused on relics etc.
My experience is that efficient monastery and siege use are a couple of the many (not so straightforward) things that a 1800 will do much better than a 1300-1400 who is able to follow a build order to the point, properly micro etc.
February 20, 2023 at 2:11 am #14234Error_Great
GuestCastle age
February 20, 2023 at 2:11 am #14235Red77777777
GuestBecause it is so rewarding for the Lithuanians to get the relics, I would even go so far
to say that without the relics as Lithuanians you will have a very difficult time against more equal players.Just a thought as a strategy:
Build the monastery close to the relics, outside your village,
send your monks from there (as soon as possible, before the first monastry is disvoverd, because it is only a matter of time before it is seen) to pick up these relics as soon as possible.Your second monastry in the back of your village, to take the relics there.
This strat only for the Lithuanians.
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