If you were restricted to using only one civilization, which one would you choose and why?
Either Spanish and just play arabia (although that may change to Burmese since the conq nerf) or Turks and just play arena.
Gothspam for days.
Goths are just fucking hilarious meme clowns.
Incas, definitively them.
They have answer for everything, infantry, archers, cavalry.
Trash skirms is only thing what I would change with Aztecs, cause once you get Vietnamese ally as Aztec you get trash arbalest and you have unstopable deathball from trash units (almost).
It’s fucking hilarious.
But Incas only, cause Kamayuks are shredding almost anything, slingers are underrated meme unit against inf spammers like Goths, Teutons, Japanese etc…
Eagles are basically Huskarls…
Only weakness is gunpowder which you can fight only with skirms and siege, because you have shit tier monks and Eagles are kinda costly so of Onagers hits you, you are fucked.
Despite my love for incas and malay, I’d pick Chinese, the variety and difficulty is important for me
Elephant archers, that’s why.
Everyone else:
Me: Koreans. 500 games deep.
A unicorn of a player.
So far – poles.
I like having a clear plan.
Default: get to spam knights.
They do mass of halbs to counter that: like 6 obuchs with no armor upgrades, microed to clash the halbs will tame care of that.
You feel like going archers or need to – can do so easily.
You are basically fucked and have no idea what to do – place 4 more folwarks to sustain the trample light cav spam from 10 stables.
Not only do I get stuff to focus on, I have options to branch to if needed.
I’ve recently enjoyed gurjaras quite a bit, too.
Mongols – simple meta.
Chineses, Byzantines and Berbers for versatility
Probably Byzantines.
They have a bit of everything and are decently strong.
They’re the closest to the Normans in the game, and Normans were absolutely fascinating.
Spanish they are good in all the maps
I’m not sure I can decide between Mongols or Tatars…
Goths, infantry printer goes brrr.
Superiority in numbers