What Would Be the Most Powerful Combination of Two Civilizations?

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    Huns and Mongols.

    Not needing to build houses with the extra security of houses keeping their population space if they are destroyed.

    That feels pretty safe.


    Saracen Hindustani would be insane too.

    A little weak in late castle age but insane in all other areas.

    In early game you get cheap vils and market abuse; if free booming like pocket closed map, you can do a 19+2 3TC boom with cheap market, cheap vils, and market abuse.

    In castle you have super camels with +10HP and late castle age +30HP.

    In later imp, Full siege tech tree with siege onager+, treb+, and bombard cannon+, mamelukes that attack faster, siege elephants, high range hand cannons, ghulam with all techs available.

    Cheap markets and hindu gold tech+ caravanseri for great trade in team games.


    I feel like for open and closed maps, there are objectively correct answers.

    Closed maps: Turks+Bohemians.

    Turks solves the Bohem lack of hussar/cav archer with Hussar+ with free upgrades and Cav archer+.

    Bohem solves the Turk lack of pikemen with Halb++.

    Chemistry is free in the castle age, and houfnice costs -50%.

    In later imp it has 15 range.

    The gold miners mine ridiculously fast, with free techs *plus* Turks’ 20% faster mining.

    Fast imp monk cannon sounds crazy, as now turks get all monk techs.

    There is also really quick jannisaries in castle age.

    Open maps: Mayans+Vikings.

    Don’t need cavalry.

    You get a disgusting economy with the free TC techs and +1vil to start, as well as the nastiest eagle to plague the earth- this eagle would have 120 HP with an *extra* +5 to cavarly, so now it defeats a *fully upgraded cavalier* in 1v1 combat in imperial, as it takes 11 hits to die but kill cavalier in only 9 hits.

    In 10 hits the cavalier has 4hp and the accompanying plumed archers would have wittled down already as well.

    Mayan huskarl weakness is somewhat solved by berserks, which can be trained alongside plumes at your castle.

    Aztec Goth would be nasty though, huskarls with more armor created even faster and +5 attack with strong eco.

    AND cheap eagle+jag combo that creates really fast and cost effectively beats almost anything.


    Viet + Briton – imagine having tanky longbows that have more HP backed by archer résistent archers and supper tanky elephants


    Not much thought into it, but Britons and Italians.

    You’re generally is crossbow get three more range, you have slightly better cavalry than Britain’s, full infantry, pavise, thumb ring for longbows, I feel like this would go very well.


    Turks and hindustins.

    Pew pew


    Chinese + Portuguese would be busted wide open.

    Chinese would have good gunpowder options because of organ guns etc.

    and their mid game would be even more broken.

    They not only would get cheaper techs but would research them faster too, and their gold units would be discounted on top of that.

    You could play double gold comp every game easily and scale into gunpowder options to take the win.


    I’d fancy Vietnamese and Celts for the laming and lumberjack/wood synergies.

    Probably not the most op though.


    Malay bengalis. 4 extra vills per age, cheap FU elephants that are more resistant to halbs and monks.

    Would their elephant archers and armored elephants be cheaper as well ?


    Cumans + Burgundians could do some truly disgusting booming on closed maps


    Sicilian + Poles

    • Insane Farms

    • Great scout rush

    • Halberk/Cheap Cavilier w/33% less bonus damage

    • Double Stone bonus for Castles/Donjons

    • Cataphract Lite (Winged Hussars)


    Byzantines and Byzantines: 50% cheaper trash units, 66% cheaper imperial age, buildings have 80% more HP.


    Chinese Lithuanians for insane dark age eco

    Goth Vietnamese for laming

    Celt Malians for impossible to stop MAA rush

    Briton Saracen for xbow trebs in castle


    For infantry, probably Goths+aztecs for eco bonus, 2 different anti ranged infantry options, access to halbs and supplies for militia line.

    For cav either Frank/burgunians for really fast cheap tech into paladins and bonkers eco (still missing bloodlines) or Frank/poles for eventually 60% discounted +20% hp + bloodlines paladin with amazing farms and good light cav options if needed.

    For archers, I’m actually going to say Persians+any of the main archer civs (Britons, Mayans, eth).

    Doesn’t matter which, the only reason kamadryan is a balanced tech is because Persian xbows suck.

    Give that to any actual archer civ and it’s immediately insane.


    Frank + poles.

    FU Paladins with 212 hp which costs 30 gold and FU winged hussar with 116 hp and trample damage.

    Not forgetting folwarks with free farm upgrades for a great start

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