What Occurred to Me?

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  • #15597

    I gradually progressed from 800 to 1000 and for a short time I achieved 1055.

    Things were progressing well and I felt I had a good chance of reaching 1200.

    Unfortunately, things quickly took a turn for the worse.

    I experienced a rapid decline of 8 or 9 losses, with only two wins in between.

    This brought me back down to 880.

    I was losing villagers to boars, killing boars with Town Centers, and my aggression was being pushed back.

    Is this typically what happens?

    How can I recover and get back on track?


    Same happened to me goal was 1400 was 1350, 10 games elo became 1150 tilted for two days then played another 10 games 8W 2L back at ~1350.

    Take a break, play other games, bad day with a tilted mind is a downward spiral
    You got this 🙂


    There is something about aoe2 rts that requires certain type of brain function (working memory probably and something to do with executive function).

    If you pay attention you’ll notice some days you’re just better at executing the game and it’s not as simple as “drink coffee”.


    Yes, having a bad day or period of time is absolutely normal.


    Switch to team games for a while, so you can blame your flank or pocket for losses.

    Good for taking some heat off while still practicing. ( I do the opposite tho, switch to 1v1s when team games start to go bad and it’s obvious I am the acctual problem in the team 11)


    Some great advice.

    Similar to me where I went from like 1160 to 1040 very quickly after a steady progression with the same goal of 1200.

    Take a break, play a few AI games or team games to focus on specific aspects you want to practice (for me it’s revisiting BO, focusing on using hotkeys etc) and then get back in it.

    You got this!


    I would guess you are being distracted; I.E.

    your girlfriend keeps texting you or you arent focused.

    Trust your training, replicate what got you wins and learn from your losses.

    Stick to a few CIVs that you main on certain maps.

    And most of all have fun!

    that should help you win the most!


    If boars are an issue make sure you always do Loom before luring.

    Use 4 vils x 3 shots instead of 6 vils x 2 shots.

    Pay attention to boar health and if you think you have any doubt in your mind, ungarrison and fire with vils.

    Don’t push deer or do anything else when luring.

    I find that I lose boars to tc if I forget luring vil and he/she shoots it thrice or more to aggro it.

    Regarding forward aggression, don’t waste too much time microing and focus on macro and planning ahead for a follow-up.

    If you’re aggroing with fast units, pull back and patrol center of the map till you feel confident.

    If with ranged units, do the same but watch for mangonels coming forward.

    You can even try and push from the sides or look for holes.

    If you can’t find anything, just pull back and boom and pick up relics while you build up army numbers or go up.


    I would advice to hotkey 6 vills under tc for killing boars or just kill them without using tc.


    I’m sure most of us has had this at some point Watch your replays.

    I bet you’ll spot some “duh” moments.

    Tilt/loss of confidence can snowball easy in this game resulting in some losing streaks.

    Try and get back to basics and just execute your gameplan.


    There are just days where you suck at the game.

    I had one today, 1-5.

    I wonder if this will ever end when you get very experienced eventually, but I guess no (for casuals).

    The thing is: Once you are tilted, things are *always* only getting to get worse.

    You try harder and make even more mistakes.

    Only thing you can do is looking at your mistakes and avoid them in the future.

    Losing is learning, but learning days were never my favourites 11


    From 1100 to 1200 it feels quite difficult to climb and I guess from 1000 to 1100 it’s not much easier.


    I have friends who watch my streams and I’ve been improving for months and hit 1100 briefly.

    Now it’s a struggle to stay 1000, but I’m consistently 1k+.

    I think the player base is just getting better and what used to pass to keep you at your ELO no longer does, I feel like with improvement I hover at a specific place.

    T90 talked about this recently too.

    Like 1k ELO players are pushing deer now and can adapt for every stage of the game.

    That was not the case when DE launched, I was 1300 then but a worse player than I am now.


    Edit: just realized my mouse DPI got set to a higher value, leading to several misclicks.

    Back to 950 elo 11.

    This game is so stressful, I love it!

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