Cause people don’t want to have to micro or have good army activity/positioning.
They just want to patrol in and win.
It is because people here have no clue about actual game design and dont see that longswords are just a stat checker unit which is by definition completely overpowered or useless.
Because the stats are either so high that you basically kill everything or nothing.
You see that by people advocating for higher movement or bonus vs cav for longswords but like what the hell?
You think they suddenly become a viable Franks counter by giving them +5 vs knights?
No, they are not even a viable eagle counter even with the bonus dmg.
PS Sorry guys for the rant.
Do you have the legionary skin on the champion?
It looks amazing
Why not?
It’s not everyone until you’re onboard.
The Swordsman-line won’t be useful till we [implement this](
Because it doesn’t make sense that such a basic unit is not viable at any point in the vast majority of games.
Because the militia-line is situational.
Either you see it in drushes, as a maa opener or in late game as a counter to trash units
Because theyre shit right now ?
To diversify viable strategies without adding new units- which in turn discourages the formation of a rigid meta-game.
Medieval battles were largely fought with infantry
Because this is a game about swords and stuff.
It’ll be fun.
I would really enjoy watching games where pro players make longswordsmen in castle age instead of crossbows or knights.
Because having another core-gold unit would increase the variety we see in army comps and make for more strategic complexity in the mid game.
People are that that long-> champion already has a role as a trash killer, I don’t agree.
If you watch competitive play, maybe one out of ten games (maybe) will have longs-> champions.
Compare to Kts, crossbow, spears, scouts, etc, which you see nearly every single game.
“Why is everyone obsessed with making a unit that is not viable, viable? 😡😡😡”
They are cool.
They look like a mainline unit but are used as a counter unit almost exclusively.