What If Sicilians Received Added Stone as They Progressed Through Ages Rather Than Only Having It at the Beginning?

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  • #20458

    Sicilians receive 100 additional Stone at the start, which is a great advantage for the Donjon drop and repairing structures without having to mine additional Stone.

    However, instead of this bonus, it could be better if Sicilians get X additional Stone upon advancing to the next age.

    It would be more helpful to put down multiple Town Centers, building the first Castle, or using it at the Market.

    However, Stone cannot be used until Feudal Age besides the TC douche strategy that doesn’t work well for Sicilians due to their faster TC construction bonus not being effective without a TC.

    Moreover, extra Stone is usually not required for repairs until Castle Age, except for the Persian douche strategy that does not work on Nomad because of the treaty mechanic.

    Therefore, it could be reasonable to grant Sicilians additional Stone per advance instead of starting with it as an advantage.


    Honestly any ~~nerf~~ buff to Sicilians would be welcome.

    If we assume +100 stone upon age up, it would be such a small buff that it would not do anything useful for the civ but it would be better than nothing

    What I would like to see is more utility being given to serjeants.

    Because First Crusade exists in it’s current form, I would not advocate any buffs in stats as that would require to readjust the effect/cost of the Crusade tech.

    Instead, I would propose any combination (or all!) of these:

    – Allow serjeants to repair donjons / castles / siege equipment

    – Serjeants who garrison in rams increase it’s damage by double the usual amount

    – Serjeants can garrison in Mangonels/scorpions increasing their attack.

    While this may seem OP, this only really works with small numbers since with a mass of siege/serjeants, garrisoning and ungarrisoning them and all the micro would not be worth it

    – Serjeants garrisoned in donjons increase number of arrows fired like villagers

    – Serjeants get passively heal an X hp/ min when within Y tiles of Donjon (effects does not stack)

    – each Donjon built adds +5 extra pop space that can only be used by Serjeants up to some limit (+20 Pop)?

    – Serjeants gain +6 (+8 for Elite) bonus vs buildings (this could be smaller in Feudal).

    – Serjeants passively recuperate their cost in gold at a small rate (say 2g/min?).

    This way the cost is large up front, but you slowly get the gold back over time.


    I bet smiling stalin would love that extra stone for tc drops

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