What Could Happen If…?
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During the castle age in Britain, archers could be upgraded to longbows, but this would come at a cost.
In the imperial age, a castle was necessary to obtain elite longbows.
Whether this change would make the British better or worse is up for debate.
Would be cool.
Should be considered as one possible solution to the britons problem of overlaping roles between xbows and longbows.
TL;DR: both Britons’ long term prospects and their early Castle Age powerspike would be improved.
First of all, I am assuming Britons would be able to produce longbows at the archery range.
Now, longbows are more expensive than xbows, have +1 attack, are less accurate (70% vs 85%) and produce faster.
Overall this is a buff.
It would a) give Britons slightly less accurate chembows in Castle Age on top of the +1 range.
On top of the Castle Age buff, Britons would now easily scale into elite longbow which are a very potent unit when massed.
A way to balance this change would be to make the longbow upgrade significantly more expensive than the xbow upgrade.
Longbows suck in castle age.
So i guess this would be nerf.
Maybe a tech to be able to produce from archery ranges would be interesting, such as tarkans and huskarls.
However, I’m not sure if replacing their unique techs for that would be a buff or a nerf.
That would be a really nice change.
It’s like Winged Hussar replacing the regular Hussar upgrade, so the concept already exists.
Feudal archers can keep their extra range, and they can get a melee unique unit from the Castle.