What Can Be Done to Make Losing Less Unpleasant in Games?

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    I have been able to beat the Hardest AI, but I have yet to overcome the Extreme AI.

    Even though I was the last one to be defeated in an eight player game, I still felt frustrated after playing such a long game, especially since I was mostly playing defensively and not attacking.

    I understand that there are many gamers who are more skilled than me, and I don’t expect to win every game I play.

    But I still feel like I am not good enough if I am losing most of the time in multiplayer.

    It’s hard to find the balance between a game that is challenging, yet still winnable.

    On a side note, I am unsure of what to do in late game when I have a lot of gold and wood, but not enough food.

    I tend to build a lot of gold mines to make sure I don’t run out of gold, but then I forget to build more farms.


    Just play ranked, then you will win 50% of your games as soon as you reach your correct ELO.


    I don’t play to win.

    I play to show how good I am.


    When you’re having fun playing, wins and losses don’t matter that much.

    Losses often have the silver lining of exposing you to new or powerful strategies: you can check out the replay to try and figure out exactly how the loss happened, if you’re so inclined.

    This game has a stratospheric skill ceiling, but the matchmaking is good and the player pool is deep.

    Play enough ranked games and you’ll start getting matched with people at your skill level.

    Being good at the game is relative: there was a good meme going around about how an 860 Elo player, which is the 28th percentile of ranked players, had skills that awed his friends.

    I’ve also seen a guy who’s in the 95th percentile say he’s not very good, probably because of who he’s comparing himself against.

    When you have a surplus of gold and wood, the most efficient way to get rid of it is make archers, CA or siege.

    If none of those options appeal to you, convert the wood into farms or production buildings and spend some of the gold at the market.

    Prices on food will be great lategame if you’re looking to buy and you control the gold mines.


    With matchmaking, you should always win about 50% of your games.


    Regarding the side note question, if you’ve got wood and need food, build farms.

    Lots of em.

    Don’t worry about placing in the late game, just get them down.


    Or if you’ve got any ponds you could try fishing ships with fish traps.

    If there’s not much wood, but you’ve got gold, maybe buy food at the market.

    But it’s way less efficient than farming.


    >Anyone know what to do late game when you are high on gold and wood and low on food?

    Cav Archer or Siege.


    The game is like golf, the Better you get the more you torture yourself there will always be something or someone new to beat


    try other A class rtss.

    really helps u understand and get that next level if you care to invest in such


    Because sometimes you land that SO shot and kill like 30 Arbs and it’s pure dopamine!


    Play ranked 1v1


    Late game resources: make farms.

    It depends on what units you want to train how many farms you should make.

    Remember you should have 120 villagers or even more.

    Then if you want to do hussar raids it’s common to make 60-80 farms.

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