What Brings Success?

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  • #4186

    In this thread: how you boom.

    I want to see other players’ boom tactics, and what they do when they get flushed/drushed/castle rushed.

    Preferably post how you boom on BF, as it’s the map I play most and I want to improve on it, as I am stuck at the 15++-1600 range in RM general.

    standard civ with 3 vils:

    vil 1+2 build 1 house
    vil 3 builds 2 houses
    scout gets all sheep then goes on defensive near a choke hole/gap to be walled later (if there is one and you’re not in the pocket)
    vil 1-6 sheep
    vil 7 lumber camp, 8-9 on wood
    vil 10 on boar, then depending on whether I have to wall or not I loom and put vil 11 on wall (when boar is finished just get another vil to lure boar)
    vil 11 wall or wood
    vil 12 builds mill then 13-15 berries
    vil 16 builds another mill near deer, 17-19 deer (18 builds house along the way)
    vil 20 build second lumber camp then 21-23 wood (23 builds house)
    vil 24 mining camp near the big lump of gold, 25 mine gold too
    then if i have time 1/2 more vils on wood.

    then in feud – my usual feuds 12-13 minute mark

    >make 2 vils at TC
    >3 woodcutters on a market and a blacksmith (2M and 1BS)
    >1st vil made on gold
    >2nd vil made on wood

    then in castle – my usual castles 16:16 – 17:30 minute mark

    >drop 2 TCs quick 1 near stone 1 near gold
    >buy stone with gold and build another TC then boom.
    >stone wall near 21 minute mark
    >I start building my army just before I click imp and as I go into imp, building army buildings as I go into imp.
    >press imp at 27-28 minutes.
    (get wheelbarrow and hand cart when ever I can get them)

    then in imp – around 30-33 minute mark

    >do all upgrades for army, attack.

    additional info = I always have a bad game if I have a bad start, it feels pointless to try as I get p****ed off easily (haha).

    Also I panic most of the time at flushes or castle rushes.

    if I’m in feud age, if an enemy sneaked a vil in; I panic and completely forget about eco.

    A little pet peeve of mine = I hate it when my build order messes up or I don’t do certain things in time.

    So, please please post your booms, would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks a lot – FlipSwitch

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