What are your strategic heuristics and when do they fail you? (Spoiler: This thread could make your Elo jump.)

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– i tend to win games by superior macro, and tend to lose them by catastrophic blunders like not respecting castle age all ins or raids
– i rely on macro so much that i sometimes drag out games that i should try to end asap
– i get mentally crushed if i lose even a single vill to men at arms and the like, because “a good player would never let that happen” and often resign right then and there
i like your observation about habits vs conscious decisions.
sometimes i feel i am *literally incapable* of thinking strategically while i play.
if theres a thing that i should do but i dont *intuitively* do by sheer virtue of muscle memory, i just dont do it at all…
Note: I’m c. 900 ELO.
I subconsciously hope team games go to imp/post-imp as it’s the phase I enjoy most – which definitely affects how I play somehow, making me less aggressive