What Are Good Strats/Build Orders/Tricks for Spanish in 2v2?

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    As a beginner Spanish player, I am fond of the civilization because of the conquistadors.

    However, I am unsure about the correct strategies to follow in 2v2 matches on either Arabia or Arena.

    Can anyone provide some useful advice for a novice Spanish player like me who wants to become a skilled inquisitor?


    For Arabia scouts into knights.

    Opening 19 vills ( I can expand if needed)
    6 food
    3 wood
    1 boar
    3 berries
    1 boar
    1 berries
    2 food under tc
    2 wood

    Click up

    4 vills from food under tc to new lumber camp for 9 on wood.

    1 vill builds barracks and house
    When you hit fuedal use two vills to make stable and produce scouts

    Any new vills go to stragglers trees near your tc
    Click double bit axe and horse collar
    Use new vills and vills on food under tc to make farms
    Wall with 1 villager as well
    Build a blacksmith at some point
    Once you have 18 farms send next 5 villagers to gold
    Get wheelbarrow
    1 more villager to gold
    Click castle age
    Get bloodlines and blacksmith upgrades on your way up
    Build second stable
    When you hit castle add more tcs when you can afford and make knights.


    Before going castle age have
    9-11 on wood
    18-22 on farms
    5-8 on gold


    I exclusively play spanish because conqs, and I use a scouts into conqs build on Arabia.

    I’m only around 1k elo, so yeah, but it can work!

    Trick is to micro really efficiently with conqs cuz most opponents will go for 3 tc eco after hitting castle.

    But on a very noob level, scouts into conqs is viable.

    There is a build order out there made by TaToh, but I can’t find it!


    On arena I’d recommend going fc conqs as the usual play, tower rushing also works but is weird.

    Spanish aren’t the best pick for Arabia but can still be used there as a scout rushing civ which can fully wall quickly, don’t fc on Arabia because your opponents might just double rush your teammate and now it’s a 1v2.


    Arabia and arena are gonna be very different.

    On arena you can fast castle, castle drop an enemy, and go into conqs.

    On Arabia, you CANNOT reliably go fast castle into conqs.

    The problem is that it takes forever to build up an army of conqs, and you have to invest a ton into a castle to get them.

    Castles are great obviously, but they only defend one place.

    If you put it at your base, your ally will get 2v1’d and die.

    On Arabia the easiest is to go scouts into knights, but you can also go scouts into a forward castle drop into conqs.

    If you put the castle on the enemy base you keep pressure on them and keep them at home so your ally doesn’t just die to a 2v1

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