We Should Stop Accepting Suggestions on This Subreddit

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  • #16011

    This subreddit has always been dumb suggestions,from dumb nerf suggestions clearly raised from losing a ranked game to some dumb civ tech suggestions,to absolutely dumb paper civ suggestions all the way down.

    Then liberally sprinkle bug screenshots and voila


    What would be the point of this sub then, besides B-tier memes and gameplay analysis?

    I get that many of the suggestions/proposals here are not great, but the discussions can be interesting, or can be avoided by those who are uninterested.

    No need for a heavy-handed “solution” when you’d be better off just spending less time on the sub if you’re so bothered by so much of its content.


    I like reading people’s balance ideas.

    Sue me


    Also I never see the point of giving suggestions to random internet people instead of going directly to the official forums in the support or feedback sections.

    And not just for this game.


    Reddit needs to add an option to search for the post you are about to create.

    I once made a post regarding buffing either Turks or Indians and it was already suggested and correctly rejected.

    That’ll reduce the number of new players suggesting things already suggested and refuted.


    Guys reddit has this thing called downvotes.

    How bout we downvote Threads we don’t like and vice versa?


    It is deffo overly done.

    It’s not just the odd suggestion, it’s many by a lot of noobs.

    I’m pretty noob too, but not noob enough to think that I know how to balance a civ for every single level of player.

    With no unintended consequences.

    I know enough to know I don’t know enough.

    Or however the phrase goes.

    One good possibility could be a weekly suggestions thread.

    So any suggestions *only* go there.

    Other subs do a similar thing where ‘rate my team’ or ‘quick questions’ are a daily or weekly pinned thread.

    In this case, I think weekly would certainly be enough.

    Maybe even monthly following each patch.

    Then suggestions outside that thread can be deleted and not swamp the subreddit.

    Now I’m also well aware that this too is a suggestion.

    But I know enough to know I don’t know enough not to make the suggestion.

    Or something.


    First get rid of ponds on Arabia


    You do get one every so often that’s unique/interesting in theory and op admits it would never work it practice.

    But ya I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen one that’d actually work if implemented


    This is one of the main reasons I haven’t commented on this sub for months and rarely come here anymore.

    It’s basically full of civ and balance suggestions which are all terrible.

    Mods should have a suggestions megathread or something.

    They just result in hurt feelings for the OP when people point out the problems with their ideas, and make browsing the sub incredibly tedious.


    It’s very simple.

    Don’t enter threads you don’t like.

    If you can’t help yourself, stay calm and stay polite.


    I’m mostly here for the suggestions.

    Please don’t remove them


    I have learned to think of them as parodies so all the “fishing ships able to garrison in battering rams in dark age” stuff comes off as funny instead of annoying


    I think it is a little bit funny that you said that people *constantly* complain about *the same suggestions for the same units being brought up week after week* :p.

    I wonder which is more constant!

    But anyway, I think it is *odd* that you’re the one asking for suggestions to be banned when you yourself seem to enjoy making suggestions.

    Why not fight for your own side?

    I think if someone makes a post then people have the right to upvote it or downvote it.

    Just because you end up with more people disliking it than liking it it doesn’t mean that someone somewhere didn’t enjoy it.

    Point is…

    Write the post because you enjoyed writing it or thinking about it or wanted to get people’s opinions.

    Don’t do it purely because you’re seeking validation.

    And, I’d prefer we let upvotes/downvotes do the talking rather than outright ban all suggestion posts just in case they turn out to be terrible.


    Is this a suggestion?

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