video games I’m Afraid of Multiplayer Video Games

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  • #4578

    I’m just starting out with this game, but I’m not very good and playing with other people seems overwhelming.

    Do you have any advice for me?


    Its quite fun really.

    Not toxic either.

    You need to do ranked games and let your elo fall all the way down to fair matchups, those will be good.

    Also 4v4 matches are better as the pressure is off a little and people get more of a chance to play to imp.

    Lobby games are perhaps more likely to be unfair and toxic


    Wow you’re a ween


    Watch Low elo legends on youtube, we all suck, there’s nothing to be afraid of


    The real answer is to just lose a bunch of games until you get used to feeling of losing.

    It stops affecting you emotionally after a while and just starts to feel like a mundane experience.

    No shortcuts/tips available unfortunately.

    Just queue up and lose!


    Please for the love of AOE2 learn hotkeys, and watch spirit of the law (10 tricks i use to play faster aoe2) that will help you a ton


    My best advice:

    -Watch a couple pro streams and see how they start the game (hera, mbl, fire)

    -Then play vs extreme AI 1v1 repeatedly..

    gonna have to train a little.
    -Try to start the game with a basic build order and 0 mistakes… learn the hotkeys!
    -6 on sheep, 4 wood, mill, boars, build houses, queue vills, learn to push a deer etc.
    -Honestly just restart if you make any major mistakes (idle tc, fail the boar lure, get housed)
    -Practice till you can do the starting 20 vills confidently and match the AI production.

    Try to rush the AI with scouts, maa or archers after getting the eco down.
    -At that point ranked/hosted maps will feel less daunting because you can do the basics.


    Focus on having fun rather than winning.

    If you eventually win, that’s good.

    If you lose, then it doesn’t really matter.


    Me too my friend, me too.

    I enjoy watching others play or playing the campaigns myself.


    I am 1400 elo, around 550 ranked 1v1 games and 3000 total games.

    I am scared of ranked as well.

    I think it’s called ladder anxiety.

    I also tend to autopilot a lot on ladder whereas I play very aware vs my friends and even have 50% winrate vs my 1600 elo friend.


    Don’t be scared of anyone.

    Most people are some kind of clown.

    Just form your own ideas as you play and get creative.

    You’ll find a lot of potential enjoyment in this.


    Don’t jump into it yet.

    In fact I wouldn’t recommend any ‘casual’ player to jump into AoE multiplayer at all.

    If you really wanna play it, first master the hotkeys. [This video by SOTL]( is really helpful for beginners.

    Once you’ve settled on the hotkeys, play the art of war campaign until you get gold on all of them.

    Now do some digging into every single civ, find their strengths, weaknesses, basic build orders, counterplays etc.

    Now that you’ve a general idea of all that, go online and watch/read some build order guides for the civilisation of your choice, make some notes, and play skirmish with extreme AI.

    After you’ve done all that and can comfortably win 1v1 against extreme AI, only then are you truly ‘ready’ for multiplayer.

    I say ready in quotations because actual humans are still very different from AI, so to get into groove with multiplayer, you have to play multiplayer, it’s inevitable.

    I know it sounds hard and scary, but remember that AoE is an old RTS game with quite a hardcore community, this is kind of preparation you need to face them without getting absolutely bodied.


    Watch a couple episodes of low elo legends from T90 and the art of war missions will definitely have you in a position to succeed.

    Some tips and tricks when you inevitably lose try and focus on what you could have improved slightly so next time you can focus on that.

    It is also crucial to notice the little things the silver linings.

    Like hey my TC idle time was less than 2:00 which was better then my last few games.

    Hey my early pressure worked well, next time I should make sure I am producing villagers behind it looking at losses optimistically is crucial to improvement.


    u r gonna loose the first game, don’t bother much with it, just play it, and accept that ull loose, after the first 5 or so games, u should have found ur elo, than itll be fun lol
    Just remember that those first 5 games, u r gonna be wrecked


    Just jump in.

    It’s really fun.

    Worst case scenario is you get wracked in your first ten-ish games.

    Eventually, you’ll get matched with similarly skilled opponents.

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