Using Cheats on Xbox Version Only Works Once Per Game

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  • #13839

    When playing on Xbox, I am unable to utilize the summoning cheats when the game prompts me to press LB.

    Instead of activating the cheat, it just brings up the regular menu.

    This only works the first time I start a new game, leaving me to wonder if this is a bug in the game or if I’m doing something incorrectly.

    I would like to ask other Xbox users to try this out and see what the issue is.


    You can try entering the cheats in the chat menu (LT+menu) instead of the quick taunts menu (LT+view).

    Also, using the Advanced control scheme should let you use multiple cheats with the quick taunts menu.

    I’ve heard it’s just the basic control scheme where there is a problem.


    You can try entering the cheats in the chat menu (LT+menu) instead of the quick taunts menu (LT+view).

    Also, using the Advanced control scheme should let you use multiple cheats with the quick taunts menu.

    I’ve heard it’s just the basic control scheme where there is a problem.

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