Unusual Cumans’ Town Center Actions: Constructing While Entering Castle Age (Bug)

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  • #12822

    I no longer have my credentials for my Microsoft account, so I am unable to post in forums, however, I have noticed a bug with Town Centers.

    If you start constructing them in the Feudal Age and progress to the Castle Age, the Town Center will be completed in a damaged state.

    It appears to be proportional to the amount of progress made while advancing to the Castle Age.

    For example, I had a Town Center that only had 800 HP left when it was completed in the Castle Age, and it was on fire.

    Interestingly, if you build the Town Center to around 60%, it will automatically finish when reaching the Castle Age.

    This can be easily tested in the Map Editor.


    did more testing, seems to be a mismatch in the code somewhere between build times of castle age TCs and feudal age TC

    What seems to happen is that the ‘effective build output’ of those villagers is stored as if they were villagers building a generic building while the HP shows correctly.

    In castle age, the ‘build output’ of those villagers is somehow overridden and converted to a value that would be true if they were building a castle age town center.

    This results in a sudden jump in TC % completed.

    A 50% completed TC suddenly jumps to about 90% complete


    > Interestingly, if you build the TC for about 60%, it will instantly complete upon reaching castle age.


    This matches the time required to build a generic/Cuman TC (150s/270s ~ 55%).



    Sorry I forgot to answer, we’re tracking this issue too 🙂

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