I would also say Italians, not only because the goth benefit from having condos (a bonus that gets weaker the longer the game goes and mostly really shines in early imp) but they cover two essential weaknesses goths have.
First you get cheaper Hand cannons which helps a lot if the enemy goes for champs which most of the players will do against goths.
Second you get cheaper BBC which helps a lot against onagers or massed scorpions and against ranged anti infantry units (mainly hand cannons and slingers).
On top of that you will get to gunpowder units quite fast as your age up is cheaper AND your university techs are cheaper.
Last but not least if you are lucky you will have a pond were you can make cheaper fishboats and cheap gillnets to get a decent fishboom going.
Another side note is that the genuese crossbow shines when your opponent is crazy enough to make cav against goths AND quite more important it wrecks the Cataphract which is one of the most powerful unit against goths.
So go for it and have fun!