Turning Chinese Civilization into Multiple Civilizations with More Detail

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  • #14384

    Over the years, the game has included many cultures from Western Europe, and recently the Indian subcontinent was given great attention by breaking the all-encompassing “Indian” civilization into four different cultures from the region.

    This has been a great benefit for the game.

    It is often discussed what technologies the Chinese civilization should have, and it is argued that they should have much more.

    This is not only due to the fact that the Chinese people have been creative and inventive, but also because, in the context of the game, the scope of the Chinese civilization is more similar to a combination of the Western European civilizations and the Indian subcontinent ones than the scope of a single civilization.

    There were many cultures, languages, writing systems, regional kingdoms, and identities during the period in which the game is set, and it is not fair to group all of these into one blanket civilization, while there are at least twelve Western European civilizations alone.

    Considering this, it is worth asking which civilizations should be broken up from the Chinese.

    Here are a few possibilities from the era covered in the game: Tang dynasty, Song dynasty, Yuan dynasty, Ming dynasty, civilizations from the 5 dynasties and 10 kingdoms era (such as the Zhou), and any peripheral state that was not incorporated until later.

    Should the Chinese civilization be given more in-depth treatment with more civilizations?

    If so, how many?

    I think four is a good start, but I’m not sure which ones.



    Dynasties are not civs.

    Civs are actually split along ethnic and cultural lines.

    That’s what happened with India.

    Instead, there should be civs that lived around China added.

    Like the Tanguts, Khitans & Jurchens.

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