Try Out the Updated Controller Layout on Steam Deck

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  • #12867

    I am really keen on using the new Age of Empires II controller layout on my Steam platform, but I don’t wish to purchase the game again.

    Do you think Steam will have the option to use the new Xbox controller layout?


    I was looking for this post…

    seems like bad news to me.

    I mean, I wasn’t expecting to play ranked mp but at least enjoy the campaign with new controls in my steam deck.

    Hopefully microsoft enables the xbox controller support in a later update.

    Should we ask for it in the official forums and expect to get attention?

    I think we are a very small pc players number who would like the idea of having this 🙁


    doubt it.

    Microsoft owns Xbox and aoe.

    there is no talk about making aoe2DE common between xbox and PC.

    They will be separate games which will have ‘crossplay’ support.


    Seems like a missed opportunity for sure.

    I was hoping for the same.


    Hopefully later they will patch or maybe a mod will come out.


    Any new information??


    So when i get ms store version it will have Xbox controller support for steam deck ??

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