Treat the Ratha Like a Mameluke

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    Bengalis are an interesting and flavorful civilization that is strong on Arena and Water maps.

    Despite this, they are easily defeated by Elite Skirmishers, which puts them at a disadvantage compared to other civilizations such as the Old Vikings and Eco civilizations, who can rely on their Archer lines to survive.

    To make them more competitive, I suggest that the Thumb Ring be added to their arsenal, which would make them more resilient to Elite Skirmishers, similar to the Mameluke, who are not easily countered by Archers or Elite Skirmishers.


    the ratha is a cavalry archer though, so it absolutly needs to be countered by the skirmishers.

    the issue with mamelukes was that they weren’t archer units.


    How to buff Ratha against skirms with two words.

    “Elephant units AND RATHA receive -25% bonus damage and are more resistant to conversion.”


    Don’t remove the cav archer armor entirely but give gradually a little +1 here and there.


    I think it would be fair if they received bonus damage based on their stance


    I think they should make the melee unit take no bonus damage from skirms etc, but then make a 2 second delay between going from ranged to melee, also they need to make it more obvious which mode it’s in, currently it’s really hard to tell if in melee mode or not.


    Why not just ratha being affected by there bonus towards elephants ie 25% less bonus damage + a nice 25% harder conversions.


    Why not the Kataphract light treatment?

    Only half bonus dmg from skirms?


    Even with 0 pierce, with all Archer armors and Parthian Tactics they’d get 6 pierce armor.

    Thus any non Imperial, non Aztec Skirm would deal only 1 damage to it.

    As I suggested a couple of weeks before, I’d give them 1 Archer Armor and/or 1 CA Armor.

    Skirmishers would assure a minimum damage of 4/5, but not so much that we’d regard them as a bit underpowered


    I know it doesn’t make perfect sense, but I want it to be that only the ranged one has archer armor, so the melee one can dive on skirms.


    If ratha lose their pierce armor that’s a hard nerf to them even if they no longer take bonus dmg from skirms.

    Ratha first and foremost is an archer counter.

    They have less atk than cav archers so while they’re decent vs cav in high numbers they don’t particularly excel here.

    Mameluke is a completely different unit so that treatment wouldn’t make much sense imo.


    I agree with the point, is a fun unit to play, it will be great more viability for playing it frequently, but…

    Rathas killings skirmishers, no.

    It has to have a counter, pikemen, cav, archers, siege, monks, something.

    Currently skirmishers are the clear one, and it’s fine, relying in only one unit is a losing strategy, even for franks paladins.

    I don’t remember the Bengalis tech tree, but hussar is a great complement, maybe that is a good starting point.


    The Bengali civ needs a total rework.

    It’s just a worse version of the Burmese civ right now.

    The Ratha’s gimmick doesn’t work, and elephants are no replacement for knights.

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