to using the internet Suggestions and Strategies for Navigating the Web

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  • #14533

    I have yet to take on ranked play, as I’m still building up my confidence.

    Playing against the AI on hard difficulty is a bit of a challenge for me, but the hardest AI is too much right now.

    I’ve been studying dark age build orders which has been helpful.

    I’m often behind on castle age, and when I try attacking the enemy’s villagers in feudal age, I don’t seem to have much effect.


    There is no need to build up your confidence.

    You will get smashed hard when you start.

    I first fell to 750 ELO, which when I started playing I was at.

    Fast foward over 1k games later and I am hanging around 1300 ELO now.

    Just jump in to ranked and have fun.

    You will learn a lot from your losses vs humans.

    The first time someone tower rushes you, you will die.

    First 1 TC 2 stable knight all-in?

    You will die.

    But your will learn and then eventually be able to defend from them and even use them yourself.

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