Tips for Chinese learning.

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  • #20193

    After mastering the skills to play incas, malay and gurjaras, I decided to venture into playing Chinese, which was quite unconventional.

    At first, it was difficult, but I gradually adapted to it, although I still experience some idle time.

    I would appreciate tips on how to improve my Chinese gameplay.

    When is the ideal time to switch tech?

    Do I need to switch always?

    Should I consider the usefulness of the great wall towers?

    Is it wise to play Chinese as an archer civilization only?

    Finally, how do I manage my idle time since I often exceed the expected 25 seconds?


    Following, Hera has a good series, “So you Want to Play…” on YouTube, Chinese is covered.


    Chinese versatility can be a weakness if you’re always thinking about tech switching rather than just sticking to a good strategy.

    Only tech switch because it’s a good idea, not just because it’s cheaper.

    There’s a reason why Franks always win on Arabia.

    Having a predictable strategy is better than not having one at all.

    Overall, I personally think Chinese are best played as a knight civ for lower ELO.

    Knights are the meta at the moment, and Chinese do a great scout opening.

    Hera ranks them as the best scout rush civ.

    Then, take that into Castle Age.

    If you ended up making a bunch of archers because your opponent made a bunch of spears, then look to get crossbows.

    If not, skip that upgrade.

    Either way, make knights.

    If your opponent makes Knights, throw in a few camels.

    If your opponent makes pikes, then make your own, or build ranged units.

    Almost every unit that you can make will have a decent shelf life because Chinese get most of the important upgrades in Imp, too.

    If your opponent walls up and plays monks, then do a boom and go up to Imp, because Chinese are good at that, too.

    You can play the Chinese as an archer civ, too, but to only think of archers is limiting because I think Mayans are much better as a strict archer civ, and Britons are also better if you both do the same archer opening into crossbows into arbs w/ some stuff sprinkled in.

    So think of them as a good civ that can do a bit of everything, including archers.

    And that everything has to start with cavalry, IMO.

    Britons can do a Knight rush, too, but Chinese player can always throw in a few Camels and the Britons can’t.




    Just try to go archers and switch units and techs only if you play against good archer civs.

    If you are good enough with the beginning and get good grips with castle-age archer play you can look up other build orders and try them as chinese.


    I just love the scorpion buff

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