Things to Consider During Mid-Late Game to Accumulate Resources Wisely

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  • #16524

    When playing mid to late game, it is important to remember a few key points.

    Firstly, it is important to have a good stockpile of resources, as this will give you more options for strategies and actions.

    Secondly, it is important to have a plan of what you want to do with those resources, so that you don’t get overwhelmed by the amount of options available to you.

    Finally, it is important to be aware of what your opponents are doing, so that you can adjust your strategies accordingly.


    If you have stockpile resources you should build nore production buildings

    If you are 200 pop do something with your army.


    Dont be afraid to use the market if you float.


    Any wood?

    Make farms.

    Replace lumbercamps one in a while.

    Maybe wall some parts of the map.


    make units and don’t forget to upgrade them.

    Anticipate counter units, if you have a cav civ the enemy will likely make pikes for example.


    Check your production buildings – if you have 15 crossbows queued in two archery ranges you need at least two more ranges.

    Double check unit upgrades – did you forget thumb ring or something?

    Make sure you see the extra resources on the map and think about adding TCs or castles near them if you can

    Go get relics if you haven’t already

    Double check eco upgrades, maybe you want heavy plow before you drop a bunch of extra farms

    Drop a bunch of extra farms

    Consider what comp your opponent is likely to go into (or even better, scout it!) and begin preparing a tech switch if necessary

    Refresh lumber camps etc.

    Consider stone walling the sides of the map especially if your opponent’s civ has better mobility than yours and they’re likely to go for hussar/light cav raids in imp


    After hitting feudal, enough vills on gold for your strat, after that, wood.

    Make farms when you can, you need 16+ anyway.

    During ageup castleage, use the time to redeploy vills so you are set for your strat (knights -> food/gold, archers -> Wood/Gold,…..)

    In early/mid castle age you should not pile up ressources.

    If you do:
    – Make units constantly
    – Wood? -> make farms (if you are low on food), add more production buildings, upgrades…
    – Refresh lumbercamps, redeploy villagers

    Late Game
    – MORE production, just add it and keep it running 🙂
    – Prepare tech switches if needed, so the production is there when you need it
    – Get all the extra ressources (gold/stone)
    – Balance wood and food
    – Recheck upgrades, you have all you need right?

    Still floating, maybe stalemate?

    Sell wood/food if price is good


    When I’m transitioning to imp I like to start spamming out more buildings and getting them on control groups.

    You can use select all hotkeys as well, either should work.

    This lets you easily see how much you’re producing from, and you can spam units and check your upgrades at the same time.

    Continuing to expand your farming eco is also super helpful most of the time, unless you’re focusing more heavily into wood/gold comps.

    All of the trash units cost food however, as do upgrades, so you’ll still need a decent amount at least initially.


    Figure out your mid and late comp.

    Is your gold cav, what’s your trash to counter their counter.

    Super late are you spamming hussars and Skirms or Pikes?


    I need help too,I’m a noob.

    I plat as the Mayans and keeps geting fucked up by any elephant unit


    Creating vils from 3 tcs.

    Spending wood by having a plan.

    Don’t go Imperial if you don’t have a reason to, instead make army.

    In imp, trebs if fighting for hills or positions, else conscription.

    Upgrades for main unit line you’re using.

    Then aim for 200pop, & production buildings.


    Same thing happens to me though.

    One of the most important things is: keep making units!

    While other things are happening, don’t forget to still queue up vils (if you have less than 120) and keep making military!

    I lose too many games just because after a big fight my opponent has a follow up army and I have 1000s res in the bank and no actual units.

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