How are you queuing up for team games?
Are you in a party with friends?
Or are you solo queuing?
And what size games are you playing?
If you’re like me and you enjoy solo queuing for 4v4s, then team game Elo is not a reliable measure of anything.
I’ve fluctuated between 1500 and 1250 within the span of a couple days on more than one occasion.
Queuing up by yourself and relying on random teammates is a total crap shoot.
Sometimes things go well and you get an evenly balanced game.
Sometimes you get a teammate who resigns in Dark Age and you lose Elo because of it.
Sometimes an enemy player does that, and you get free Elo.
Sometimes the other team is four guys in a party together with planned strategies.
Sometimes your flank tries to go Fast Castle on Arabia.
The more players there are in the game, the less control each individual has over the outcome.
Thus, there is a wider range of potential Elo rating for each individual player.