“Surprise Attack Power” for Shotel Warrior

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  • #4247

    I had an idea that Shotel Warriors could have the ability of an ambush.

    This would allow them to reduce the visibility of enemy units and buildings by 40%.

    Unlike Age of Empires 3 and 4’s Stealth Mode, this would not require the use of an action button, penalty or cooldown to be used again; it would be a permanent feature.

    For instance, an arbalester with all damage upgrades has a Line of Sight (LOS) of 10 and a range of 8.

    With the ambush ability, the Shotel would be visible at a distance of only 6 tiles, meaning they could be attacked at a range of 6 or less.

    This would give the Shotel an advantage in terms of performance against ranged units and also in initiating attacks on enemies.

    Additionally, due to their fast speed, they could more easily micromanage and take advantage of the ambush ability.

    I initially had this idea in mind for the Woad Raider, but was inspired by the Musofadi from Age of Empires 4, as they have similar characteristics such as movement speed and stats.

    What do you think of this skill?

    Is it a good idea or unnecessary?

    Are there any changes you would make?


    Hard disagree.

    This is not a good mechanic for this game.


    I don’t really like “gimmick” mechanics like this and would prefer they stay out of the game.

    It just doesn’t jive with the overall feel of what separated AoE from Warcraft.


    Wrong game.


    But why


    It could be a cool feature that applies to buildings only.

    Since shotels are anti building.

    It could be countered by out post.

    Which would add some depth to the unit.

    Interesting idea!


    I imagine there would be a lot of resistance to this sort of mechanic (I can see it already) but I don’t mind thinking outside the box a bit, it sounds fun to me.

    I imagine if healing (Berzerks, Maghrebi Camels, that Drav one nobody uses etc) was proposed now people would hate it.

    Everyone kicked off about the Obuch armour stripping but quickly got used to that as well.

    Practically speaking I imagine it would be annoying and affect micro but not that dangerous because, fundamentally (I’m imagining), the Shotels still need to get close enough to land a hit to trigger the loss of LoS?

    And honestly try getting Shotels close to arbs even in these circumstances.

    Would it be permanent?

    Perhaps fixed with monks like the Obuch armour reduction?

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