Suggestion for Dravidians: Could Two-Handed Swordsmen Strengthen Their Castle Age?

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    With access to Two-Handed Swordsman tech in Castle Age, they would have more options to defend against Mangonel pushes and Knight raids.

    This would give them a better chance of reaching their Imperial Age options and being able to hold their own against the other civilizations.


    THS should just be Castle Age upgrade by default for all Civs!


    I would dread playing against Dravidian Siege Tower 2HS rush on Arena, especially with cheaper upgrades and extra wood (free Workshop and Barracks basically).

    Dravidians are also super strong on Nomad/Hybrid maps so I’m wary of giving them too many options on land.


    Really good idea, would love to see 2H swords in castle.


    2HS in Castle Age is a nice bonus, but I wouldn’t give them to a civ that already has a bonus towards them.

    From existing civs, maybe Slavs could get them.

    But it’s an interesting bonus for a new Infantry civ 🙂


    I am flabbergasted by the number of people on this subreddit who think elephant archers are not a real unit.


    Top 5 civ on water maps don’t need a buff.

    Civs are meant to have weak points.

    Look at Koreans, it’s the whole game. 11


    To want to use a slow melee unit regularly, they have to be overpowered.

    I think castle age 2HS still pretty weak, maybe trade well against knight but do about the same as long sword against crossbows.

    Fuck it, give them 3 pierce armor.


    actually no, please not.

    Atleast not if ths wont be available for everyone in castle age.

    Burgundians early and cheap chev upgrade works because they dont have bloodlines.

    Doing something similiar by taking away supplies would nerf the civ in all other stages.

    And simply giving them ths with all upgrades in castle age would block a lot of future buff potential for LS, as stats only go up with each upgrade.

    So any buff that has to carry through to the ths could make dravidians too strong in castle age.


    I think their main problem (comp-wise) is mobility/speed.

    There are other civs with this too, like Teutons but they get tough knights and a strong scout rush.

    Dravidians are (understandably) close to Malay in feel but Malay get knights, LCav and cheap elephants.

    Well, Dravidians are supposed to be the OG elephant civ and most-renowned for elephant armies.

    An elephant buff to Dravidians would be a good start, like having Battle Elephants attack faster and buffing Medical Corps for all Elephant units.

    I don’t think Khmer elephants are OP, so having that movement speed apply to all elephant units would make the unit generally a bit more viable.

    Khmer have other strong bonuses anyway.


    Id much rather they just buffed the skirm + ele archer attack speed increase to something like +50% and gave them a bit of extra hp or extra bonus damage vs archers.

    Skirms are not in a good place at the moment but Dravidians with their wood bonus are uniquely able to make a lot of them fairly easily.

    Obviously this doesnt address the weakness to knights but Id rather not enable dumb men at arm rushes in Feudal or Long Swords vs scouts which would be hilariously one sided.

    Would also mean Dravidians become really really strong against civs with bad knights but good archers, (Mayans, Celts etc) with a real weakness to cav, but still having strong infantry, archers and siege for lategame.

    Edit: Id also reccommend redemption so siege isnt such a huge issue in the mid-game


    maybe would work in closed maps, but in arabia-like maps, theslowness of the militialine would make them still lose.

    Also, champs are not that crazy powerfull that getting them a lil while sooner is gonna make a huge diference, don’t forget u would still need to hold until imp to get ur champs


    Think it’s a good idea, could go the cuman TC route and increase the tech time on 2HS for balance.

    75sec is already extortionately long for such a bad upgrade.

    So realistically 100sec can’t be denied, unless complainers are being obtuse

    While we’re at it, 2hs and champ techs need cost and time reductions anyways.


    I have no issue in castle age with them, just go monks and elephant archers.

    If the enemy is going skirms you throw in a mangonel.

    The real issue they have is mobility.

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