Suggested Improvements to Balance

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  • #8737

    The maa opening is already super meta.

    Scouts or other opening are hard to play.

    So buffing maa opening is not a good change.


    I like most of these!


    Love these


    Except for bohemians i agree.


    Most of these are great.

    My only big nitpick is MAA speed.

    That needs to stay where it is so early MAA isn’t overpowering.


    I think most of these are great.

    Only ones I’d question are the Vietnamese (their elephants are already fantastic.

    This doesn’t make them stronger per se, but I still feel like they’d be really scary) and Celts (their siege in castle age has to have that attack rate.

    It is their defining characteristic at this point and with only 15% i think they would be really underwhelming)
    I do like the Khmer houses allowing healing change, but there’s every chance that will invite a ton of Khmer villager rushes which would make the game miserable to play.


    good post.

    i agree with a lot of it.

    biggest stand-out for me that i disagree is druzhina.

    its a powerful tech, and should be priced accordingly.

    that said, slavs should get some small buff.

    maybe crank up farms back to 15% faster.

    some other ideas i have that you didnt include:

    – ghulam loses bonus damage vs eagles (they should trade equally)

    – shrivamsha riders speed reduced, ideally to be slower than a scout, maybe same speed as camel.

    – poles szlachta discount reduced to 50%

    – flemish revo price increase

    – bohemians only get 1st mining upgrades for free

    – spanish dont build 1st tc on nomad faster than other civs (like sicilians)


    This is actually decent, much better than the balance list of the other guy.

    I mostly like the research time buffs for infantry.

    The unit itself is fine, it’s just awkward to transition into

    although, it might be a little too much for civs that already have great champs/2h swords.

    Most other civ bonuses/tweaks I don’t have a strong opinion about them.

    I’d disagree with crenellations. 13 range castles are really nasty and have the same range as BBC + siege engineers.

    They desetve that high cost.


    Normally post like this are bad.

    But your Ideas are very reasonable.

    Dont think that all of them would work, but some of them could been implemented.


    Druzina should stay as is, it’s a game changer when you’re going pike siege on closed maps

    Khmer shouldn’t heal in houses, it’s too much of a buff for a civ that’s already very strong

    I like stone cost on Crenellations since it nullifies non-Turk BBC and you can research the tech instead of repairing your castle.

    Also makes treb wars very difficult for the non-Teutons player.

    Otherwise the list is solid.

    Reducing time to tech into infantry should probably happen so civs with an infantry bonus besides goths are incentivized to use them more.

    I still think infantry would remain a niche use unit line though, but it would be nice to have an easier path to counter eagles.


    I think the only thing i would disagree with is druzhina.

    Slavs need something for the early game, their late game is fine imo, and druzhina is already super strong.


    Most changes are decent, but i disagree with the celt siege nerf.

    Celts are already weird to play on castle age and get better in imp, no reason to amplify that


    I agree the Hussite Wagon bug should be fixed, but they are already a low elo menace, buffing them across all elos is a tough task, but even at top level arena that seems like it’d be somewhat OP if they attacked that much faster


    Wow, actually good balance suggestions!

    A rarity on this sub.

    One thing, though: I personally think that Stronghold should just be replaced.

    It doesn’t fit the Celts’ aggressive playstyle.

    I’d replace it with Gallowglass, which gives swordsmen +3 infantry armor, so they take less bonus damage.

    Thus, the Celts would have a unique tech affecting infantry and one affecting siege, which are both their specialties.


    Wow, I didn’t think I will agree with someone this much.

    The list is great actually.

    However I do not agree with Burmese. “…

    Because Vietnamese are getting the same treatment”.

    Well, make the TC bonus as TB.

    Make Imp Skirms universal unit, and maybe give Viet another civ bonus.

    Also don’t like houses having garrison heal rate.

    Garrison is a bonus itself, why make it a double bonus?

    Also would like Fishing ships to drop food at mills too.

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