Strategy to Defeat the Most Difficult AI Bot in 3v3

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  • #6056

    We are a trio of players who usually compete against computer-controlled opponents.

    However, since their most recent update, we have been unable to beat them in the toughest difficulty setting, even with a handicap of 110-120.

    One of us is an experienced player, adept at fighting and micro-managing, another is of a good level, and I’m somewhere between ok and average.

    We’re looking for advice on what civilizations we should use in our 3-player team, as well as strategies to help us defend on the Alpine Lakes map.


    there wasnt any AI update lately.

    I will suggest you to train to minimize idle tc and military building time


    Alpine maps is very open from memory.

    Anyone that can’t manage eco and military at the same time is going to struggle against Hardest there.

    Early aggression with the flanks, pocket providing castle/imp support to the weaker side is often the play in 3v3.

    Siege rams with ranged support in early imp is absolutely brutal.

    With Engineers too it’s 600 wood, 1700 food and 2min to FU a Siege ram, they will eat an enemy base in seconds.

    Civs won’t matter a great deal if you play the right way in 3v3.

    Massive generalisation, but the truth.

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