s Top Civilizations for Cavalry Archers
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There are a couple of civs that have strong bonuses for this, the strongest is objective to what they are up against if it’s mirror comp I favor Berbers and Magyars, against most other comps Mongols, these are the noteworthy civs:
Mongols – mangudai/hussar/drill siege is one of the strongest, if not the strongest lategame comp in the game, mangudai are just better cav archers with a bonus to siege, the main weakness though is mongols lack both final armor upgrades.
So this comp is less tanky than others on this list.
Berbers – Camel Archer/hussar/BBC
Camel archers against just a better cav archer, but less tanky against archers, though anti cav archer, so against anything that falls into that category (including conquistadors and Korean war wagons they shred) they also take less bonus damage from camels (due to being a camel and not cavalry) and none from mamelukes.
Their hussar as also 20% cheaper!
Magyars – magyarHussar/CA
Pretty straightforward, either 20% cheaper hussar or magyar hussar, which is just a better hussar, plus a CA with an extra +1 attack and range, especially the latter part is huge, especially against archers and paladins, which are both meta
Turks – CA/Hussar/BBC or rams
Cav archers with +20hp, free hussar upgrade and +1 pierce armor on hussar, and BBC’s with more health and +2 range
Basically one of the the tankiest versions of this comp
Tartars – Hussar/CA/Rams
They get +1/1 armor on both hussar and CA, again very tanky.
They also get thumb ring and parthian tactics for free, this makes tartars one of the best civs to make cav archers in castle age.
Huns – Hussar/CA/Rams
Generic hussar with a discount on cav archers, but they are missing their last armor upgrade.
I always like the Magyar extra range best
Hans Tatars Turks Berber Mongols Bulgrians in no particular order