Splitting Central European Architecture is More Justified than a Civil Division

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    The Goths and Teutons were two distinct groups of people who worked together, often in alliance, to achieve common goals.

    They shared a similar culture and language, and cooperated in many aspects of life.


    Apparently the Huns have it because they are “occupying Goth buildings”.

    But it still looks really stupid when you have Huns making Central European buildings all over the place.

    A “Nomadic” architecture for them, Mongols & Cumans wouldn’t go amiss.

    And if more Scandinavian civs get added, they should probably get one too.


    Vikings are fine if you think of them as a repping the Scandinavian kingdoms.

    They underwent roughly similar architectural periods as Germany.

    It’d be nice if the Feudal Age buildings for the Central Europeans were a bit more Germanic Migration Period-ish, if the Teutons, Goths, and Vikings were to continue share it.

    The Goths, however, would probably make way more sense sharing a set with the Byzantines, if they were to get an Eastern Mediterranean/Black Sea type architecture set.

    Wherever the Huns should go, I wish that the Steppe civs had a flag attached to them where their Feudal arch set would be more Yurtish.

    As you Age up the architecture would look more like whatever region they’re attached to with the exception of like Archery Ranges, Stables, and half the Houses which would stay as Yurts.


    What is more important than civ splitting,which has gotten a lot of attention here weirdly, is fixing the sodding issues with the game and putting in QoL updates.

    Why is it in three years,the lobby banlist is still in the dumbest location possible.

    Why is pathing still jank, why do we still get that random-ass kick back to the menu saying resigned after a quick rehost attempt because guess what someone got “cloud storage full” with empty cloud storage and got dc’d..


    Goths should be mediterranean imo


    Huns should just have dark age architecture all the way to imperial you can’t change my mind.

    Vikings could do with a maritime style theme, upside down longboats would be a fine detail to add to stuff like houses in feudal and forward for instance.

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