skills Advice for Improving Mid-Elo Player Skills

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  • #11433

    I recently had a very even matchup with a more experienced player, so I think it would be a great game to analyze.

    If you have time and knowledge, I would be grateful for any feedback (I was playing as the yellow player).

    Here is the link to the match:

    Thank you very much.


    Im a 17xx and here are my thoughts:


    First, our scouting is a bit strange, since we started scouting the edge of the map when looking for the opponent.

    We need to maximize the finding of the opponent’s resources and those will not be on the edge of the map.

    Next, the opening of archers into camels is fine, I have done it myself, but we ended up throwing away our archer mass and we have to wonder what the point was.

    If we waited a little bit, we could hit an xbow timing and do some serious damage as the opp wouldn’t have too much time to wall.

    However, when you see ur opp is castle age before you (and you are in their base), you should just run with your archers.

    Additionally, your walling was a bit strange as you had a back gold already and did not need to wall in the forward gold immediately.

    Those walls were expensive, and are likely why you were late to castle age.

    In Castle Age, the tc placements were not ideal.

    We want to make sure that we always secure crucial resources when we TC.

    Also, the macro was not ideal as we had a gathering point on gold and had a huge mass of gold when those vils could have been doing anything else.

    The outposts in imperial were good, but ideally, they come in at late castle age.

    Macro is king in castle age.

    We need to check the numbers of vils we have on each resource constantly and ask ourselves: “Is this what I need to go my army composition”?

    In imperial age, we did not have a castle up, and the placement of that first castle was not good.

    As a rule of thumb, identify the most important hill on the map and try to fight for it.

    If you can’t get it, find another hill to put the castle on.

    We also should not go pikeman in a hindus war, as you saw the HC shredded everything.

    We lacked production buildings to compete with the opp’s camels so we just fell behind.

    We also never made trebs so the opp just took down all of your castles without a fight.

    General tips: There was some serious idle tc throughout all ages, and the opponent had a 20 vil lead even though he never did any serious damage to your eco.

    Fix the idle problem and you will have significantly more res to work with.

    Lastly, your unit control needs improvement, as we took fights that we really shouldn’t and threw away many expensive units (BBC dying, using imperial camel to raid, etc).

    Overall a decent game, hope this helps.


    Honestly I feel like there is little to gain from mirror matches.

    I suggest asking yourself what you feel is holding you back.

    Based on that you could get much more insights than “how do I get better?”

    Is it speed, decision making, matchup specific decisions or macro/micro?

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