Should More Native American Civilizations Be Included in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition?

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  • #14840

    Do you think there should be additional Native American civilizations included in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition?

    If yes, what civilizations do you think should be included?

    If no, why not?


    Purépechas and Chimor.

    Both fit in current Campaigns and timeline, are different enough from existing civs and had their own Kingdoms that lasted for long


    If you mean Central or South American, yes.

    North American, no.

    They would require way too much to be altered to be even remotely functional.


    Zapotecs would get my vote


    The issue with adding Native American civs is the same issue with adding Polynesian/Australian civs.

    The fact that they were pretty cut off from the rest of the world in the time period aoe2 is based on.

    I don’t think that is an insurmountable barrier but you have to find the balance between making them authentic and making them fit into the aoe2 tech/unit framework.

    It isn’t like aoe4 where you can have completely unique and different civs.

    I think some more civs in the Chinese area would work well and go down well with the playerbase there (although due to the thorny issue of Tibet and the one China principle I can see why they don’t).

    Definitely room for more African civs and Middle Eastern civs potentially.

    Aside from those I think American/Australasian civs are the next contenders.


    Absolutely not.

    You are talking about peoples who had no interaction at all with the other factions for 99% of their existence, and the moment contact was made, they were wiped out.

    Like, at least Britons and Chinese were aware of the vague idea of each other as empires on the other side of the world.

    Besides, for many of these factions, you need to make especially large leaps of gameplay abstraction in order to give them parity with the rest of the civilizations.



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