Should Bengali Team’s Bonus be Strengthened?

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    The benefit of having Trade units generate Food and Gold is not very powerful.

    Even with 40 Trade Carts, this would only equate to the same amount of Food as having four extra Farmers.

    In my opinion, this is quite weak.

    Is it too strong to raise the benefit of the Trade unit bonus?


    Spanish is 30% more Gold.

    So 10% worthless food in super late game is a joke…


    I think 15% would be more reasonable.


    Yeah, I belive its not impressive just because spanish TB exist.

    If you get higher value combination of this 2 bonuses might become busted , but nerfing spanish is not great solution either since in team games they would be totally useless without extra gold at any map except nomad and maybe arena.

    I think its fine as it is now.

    Bengalis are reasonable flank civ or even pocket in closed maps,while Spanish only trick is early conquistadors


    Trade bonuses are tough to balance, cause when you rely on trade, any small percentage really starts to add up.


    I feel it should be something else, like stone instead of food.

    The point of Trade is that its a source of a finite resource, while food is largely not a massive concern once you get past castle.

    I feel like stone should be better, and matches the idea of Bengalis going for a lot of UUs late into the game.


    >4 extra Farmers

    **per team member**, so we’re looking at 16 extra farmers.

    If you’d increase it to 15%, that’d mean the bonus would be 24 more farmers instead.

    On it’s own, it felt pretty weak when I played a no-farm-challenge against AI.

    But if you factor it into a normal game and send ressources back and forth, I can imagine this not being *that* bad.


    Bengalis are already pretty decent in team games (pocket).

    I’d rather buff them in a way that helps their 1v1 on open maps.


    Its power level is definitely on the low side, but I don’t think it’s that pressing of an issue.

    I kind of wish it were wood instead of food, just because sometimes in the extremely late game you can run out of trees.


    It’s a little weak, but you can basically think of it as trade carts taking -10% pop space, which isn’t horrible.


    It’s pretty weak.

    I’ve never seen it come into play significantly


    A bonus that helps early game would be nice.

    Idk what that would be.

    By the time you use this bonus food should not be an issue.


    The way I think about it is it frees up pop space, not just generates resources.

    So 40 trade carts = you can delete 4 farmers = you can have 4 more elephants on the field.

    Thing is, Bengalis really are not that good, so I think boosting it to 20% could be good.


    I feel like it’s meant to work in synergy with Mahayana (Villager population space -10%).

    Without the bonus, if you’re going to delete villagers in favor of trade carts, you ‘miss out’ on that population space by replacing a 0.9pop villager with a 1pop trade cart.

    The bonus compensates you by giving you 0pop farmers.

    The way the bonus is set up currently, you can delete 10 vills for 9 tradecarts and still have similar eco.





    Bengalis have so many 1v1 issues and they wasted the TB on trade…

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