Seeking Assistance With Terminology

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  • #10075

    I recently returned to Age of Empires and I am unfamiliar with the terminology used in the game.

    I am looking for a website or resource that has a comprehensive list of terms such as FU, DRUSH, M@A, etc.

    so that I can catch up on the lingo.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    FU => Fully Upgraded

    Drush => Dark Age Rush (2-3 militia)

    Trush => Tower Rush

    Flush => Feudal Rush

    Smush => Siege and Monk Rush (aka Hoang Rush)

    FC => Fast Castle (Default Arena opening)

    M@A => Men-At-Arms

    CA => Cav Archer

    CA => Capture Age (free software to watch your replays 10/10 recommend)

    Arb => Arbalesters

    HC => Hand Cannon

    BBC => Bombard Cannon

    BBT => Bombard Tower

    ~~Pop => Villagers (when someone refers to a Build Order like 20 pop scouts they mean 20 villagers plus starting Scout)~~


    I posted a guide on the Steam forums that covers this topic [(Click me)](


    FU= fully upgrade
    DRUSH= Dark Age Rush, a strategy where u are trying to hit ur opponent as early as possible with militia.

    M@A= Men at Arms, the subsequent Upgrade to Militia
    Trush= Tower Rush
    Smush= Siege/Monk Push
    Douche= TC dropping ur opponent and shooting his TC down with ur garrisoned TC
    TC= Town Center
    Clown= A player who loves to play Arena and othe closed maps
    Imp = imperial age
    Care (in team games)= be careful/take care
    SO= Siege Onager
    BBC= Bombard Cannon
    BBT= Bombard Tower
    TTK= Teutonic Knight; elite version is ETK

    If u have questions for other ones, just ask

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