Seeking Assistance – British Swift Bowmen (850 Elo)

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  • #12758

    Greetings everyone!

    I’m hoping to get some help with using Britons Fast Archers in Ranked games.

    I know my elo is lower than average and I’m sure there will be some comments about my idle time in Dark Age and such, but I’ve checked and I’m consistently under 20 seconds of idle time in Dark Age (sometimes I’m even in single digits) and less than 1.5 minutes in Feudal (in total).

    The issues I’m having when playing against players and the “Hardest” AI are the following:
    Hard skirm counters – I’m using Hera’s Britons Fast Archer build order from June of last year, but I keep getting countered by skirms.

    Scouts – Scouts are always getting in before I can wall and it’s really affecting my Ranked games.
    I’ve considered switching strategies or playing defensively in Feudal Age, but it doesn’t make much sense to me.

    Hera said that this build order should get me to 1400 elo, so I must be doing something wrong.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!


    Use spears.

    Keep 2 each at your vulnerable resources, and issue a defensive stance.

    Wall close to vils; don’t wall where you can not defend.

    Next, if you see skirms with +1 armour & in considerable numbers, just don’t move out.

    Seed farms and go up to castle asap.


    Ideally you are doing a lot of damage quickly with fast archers.

    But also it isn’t nearly as strong in 1v1 because it is countered by skirms.

    In team games it is super strong because there are also scouts out so skirms die easily.

    I still use the fast archer build in 1v1’s, but only if you have a stupid easy wall off and a reason for fast archers to be strong or something like that.


    You can try and do a (temporal) switch and train a couple of scouts to counter the archers.


    Probably they scout you and see 2 archeries, if I do so, I would go instantly to skimmers, try to hide it at the back of your village.

    If you expore soon after passing to feudal age u could know if the opponent is doing scouts, probably u will have at least 1 min to wall short.

    Hope it will help u.


    Maybe get an update to that build order, there was cost increase to crossbowmen and arbalest which made archer line a lil bit weaker in a grand scheme of things.

    But you probably are doing something wrong, though I can only guess.Like, not executing the build as efficiently as you think, too rigidly following it and not knowing how to adapt to the enemy counter, not using the archers properly, etc.


    Idk man, I played heras fast archer Bo (albeit in teamgames), and I think it is insanely tight and without quality damage to your enemies eco with your first few archers it gets hard.

    I feel like 22 pop straight archers are much more resilient and give you more power, even if it is a bit later.

    That is why i switched back to just straight archers.

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