Seeking Additional Bengali Advice from Arabia

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    Whenever I’m looking at their tech tree, I find it to be an enjoyable experience.

    In my opinion, the civilization is a bit of a mess, but it has all the features I find desirable, apart from the last infantry armor and Bombard Cannons.

    I would like to make use of their monks, but since a lot of their core forces require a lot of food and don’t do much damage, it is hard for me to find the correct strategy.



    disclaimer: that was before the monk buff


    Monk + pike is fun, can add siege to push TCS or if they drop a defensive castle, drop your own forward castle and imp into trebs.


    – Drush FC.

    This works because Drush FC is just very good at most elos if you can actually do it.

    Most players who can do it well are playing against players who are good enough to punish it though.

    Still Drush into Forward Siege and Monks when they cannot snipe your monks and you are gifted 4 free vils is quite strong.

    – Spear defense

    Play feudal passively and know you have a 2 villager lead.

    Keep on farming.

    You should be able to get to pike Siege and monks.

    Your power unit is Monks.

    – 1 Range Defense

    This is the best in my book. 1 Range skirms is enough to defend from 2 Range Archers or enough to counter attack in late feudal.

    You can play defensively behind walls and monks with Xbows behind.

    Get a Castle up and Switch into Elephants.

    Once you decide to push out in sincerity. (Some Xbow raids through out the game to keep you opponent active is necessary) you have to finish it.

    Usually with Elephants of some sort.

    You have to keep that base safe and compact until you decide to end it


    Food heavy army comp ?

    Just go arbs with bengalis, monks work niecly with them.

    The only problem is skirms which you would need to tech into LC, which is food heavy or make mangonels.


    Full wall & Open heavy scouts/skirms feudal.

    Once you get to castle age, defend 3 TC boom and pray you don’t take too much damage.

    You have nothing in castle age that can deal damage.

    Occasional crossbow group to their flank may score a few vils but it’s a low % play.

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