Searching for a player with low ELO!

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  • #19954

    I am not referring to the most dangerous game, even though I have an advantage as a Mongol.

    I am searching for a player with a low ELO rating, and I will keep their name confidential.

    We played a game together as Mongols and Mayans late at night, and our conversation was pleasant.

    You mentioned that you were from Peru, and I invited you to join our Discord group, which is dedicated to low ELO players who want to discuss their weaknesses.

    Unfortunately, I couldn’t find your username since there were many similar ones on Steam.

    If you come across this Reddit post, feel free to message me.

    If anyone wants to join our Discord group, they are welcome to contact me.


    Search your name on and you’ll find your match history.

    Will be able to find him there.


    Do you have ELO range and language preferences for your discord?

    Edit: I should mention that I’m not the person you’re looking for, but I do hope you find them!


    Wouldn’t mind an invite to that discord!


    How odd, you can send invite here please

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