scopy Concept: Microscopy of Tiles

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  • #14985


    Are there any other strategies you use to make the most of your buildings in fights?


    I’d say your archers are going to go splat instantly as soon as a BBC, Mangonel, or even Scorpions show up.

    You can’t outrange them really, and if there are a few, especially with a tank in front, your archers are going to die on the first shot or two probably.


    stacking all your archers or cav archers into a small place, or retreating towards the next best forest and stacking them all into a 1 tile if possible, has always been the archer survival trick #1 in the forrests, against melee that is.

    patroling / attack moving on stand ground makes them stack together and especially when your archers are up against other archers its pretty cool, because your stuff stacks together and all of your archers fire, while your opponents archers take time to go to the front, so you have some 1-v-X outnumbering effects going on.

    But if you do that while a Mangonel walks around, you’ll be pretty sad because that one Mango will easily kill all your archers at once.

    so its a classic “it depends” unfortunately.

    its great for certain situations, its dangerous in others.

    but in general, with archers you should always have it in mind in order to defend against knights out on the field.

    and you can even use the stacking effect in order to kill buildings better with melee.

    you can stack knights in order to get more of them at once attacking a palisade or a house, it does need some micro though.


    Any ranged unit benefits from stacking in between buildings or resources.

    When building houses or military buildings, especially when forward i always leave a tile between things.

    This allows me to manipulate enemy flow of units, block his pathing and practically increase the HP of all ranged units.

    Its the difference between lets say 10 knights shredding my crossbows and 2 knights only attacking at once.

    Britons, vitenamese and ethiopians benefit the most from this.


    People say that knights counter janis on arena.

    I make 2 houses with 1 tile gap between them and laugh as the knights get rekt.

    It is a critical part of my strategy.

    You can’t do this with xbows because a mango comes along and you get badaboomed, but janis can actually shoot down the mango before it can shoot.

    Maybe Britons can do similar things in some situations, probably moreso in Imp as you need 50 xbows to one shot a mango!


    Based on the replies in the rest of the thread as well as the OP:

    > 1.

    How useful would you say clustering your units into small gaps between buildings has been for you when playing aoe2?

    Very useful when playing ranged units vs melee to reduce surface area.

    Unfortunately, you no longer have any mobility so when siege shows up you are in danger.

    OP suggested to counter with Redemption monks, which are good, but run into the problem of your houses/markets/whatever blocking their approach.

    Denying space goes both ways, unfortunately.

    Basically, sitting in a tiny spot is only good if there’s no AoE attacks hitting you.

    When playing defensive, you should rather hide behind walls than in 1-tile gap.

    > 2.

    Which units and civs do you think are best able to take advantage of these gaps, offensively or defensively? (Personally, I think Burgundians and Dravs have some potential here)

    Civs focused on ranged units, especially those that might be able to deal with siege without backup.

    Turk Janissaries come to mind, and so do Briton archers.

    Hand cannonneers might be okay as well (I think that’s why OP included Burgundians) but there’s a lot more threatening siege options going around in Imperial Age.

    Again, if you counter that with a secondary unit, sitting in gaps hurts your own ability to move your troops around and micro them properly.

    > 3.

    Are you now considering including some element of building micro to enhance your fights in future matches?


    Yes, when castle dropping with Turks on Arena, it’s probably a good idea to build some houses to cheaply create gaps to sit in.

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