rugs Persian versus Berber Rugs

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  • #6106

    I recently played a game of Persians versus Berbers and had to leave before it was finished, so I’m not sure if I could have won.

    I was wondering what my options were when my opponent had a significant force of camels, knights, and hand cannons.

    What strategies could I have employed other than using pikes and BBC?


    Pikes, Onagers, trash xbows.

    A few sneaky light cav to snipe those BBCs while you harass their cav with your cheap xbows.

    Either go for a pre-Imp win, or push all the way to no gold post late game where you win by default of trash xbows.


    Cavalier halb then add trashbow when possible.

    Open the initial patrol with halb but try push the hand cannons with mainly cav.

    Would at least be a decent trade eco wise.

    Add bbc for siege and opportunistically hit the hand cannons with them but sont rely on them.


    Halb+cavalier/paladin should be good.

    For something more spicy you could try elephant+trashbow.

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