Review of Tariq Ibn Ziyad’s Campaign
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The nasty thing about the campaign besides it’s artificial difficulty (you never go up against bases like this elsewhere) is that “infinite vs.
not” is also not an intuitive or common mechanic.
All 1v1 players and most other campaign enemies *can* be choked to death if they play inefficiently or don’t have much resource access.
Not here.
You may be the attacker but unlike, say, Tamerlane you are the one under siege.
Attila 1 has an enemy you’ll have to grind-siege down if you choose (Persians) but you can get infinite gold for that and besiege theirs.
Also it’s only one enemy.
The campaign *premise* is also off as in the Islamic conquest period this sort of fortification density just didn’t exist.
Genghis handles this much better where (a) the civ is suited to siege, and (b) the most grindy fort cracking mission is against China.
Tariq should be mostly field battles and feel like the other massive conquest drives.
By far the worst campaign in the game imo, every scenario is a painful grinding down of walled cities with infinite ecoless production, while you dont even have good siege.
Good lord.
And the only exception is an a to b Hero cheesefest.
Id either delete or fundamentally redesign the campaign.
I love your campaign reviews, please do more of them 🙂
Great write-up, couldn’t agree more.
I sincerely hope that FE doesn’t add achievements to this campaign, because, in the absence of a major overhaul, I cannot bring myself to replay the campaign, yet I probablywill engage in this self torture since I like to have all the achievements.
The campaign is a joyless grind from start to finish.
The story is the worst in the game furthermore.
It is simply an emotionless narration of historical events, and it seems the most interesting aspects have been left out.
Why should we care about this Tariq Ibn Ziyad?
Even the campaign designers found him interchangeable, since halfway through the story our protagonist is swapped for Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi without a second thought.
Imo they should find another historic figure with a compelling story and just dump this campaign into the garbage.