Revamped Strongholds Becomes the Latest Area of Effect/Aura Bonus on Tuesday Talking Points. What’s Next?

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    The current bonuses that have an area of effect/aura effect include the Folwarks, which collect 8% of food from farms seeded next to it, Hussite Wagons that cut projectile damage in half for units behind it, Caravanserai that provides healing and speed boost to trade carts within 8 tiles, and Strongholds that heal units within 7 tiles of a Castle.

    Additional ideas for area of effect bonuses include increased food yield from farms next to town centers, bonus armor for villagers by Lumber Camps, increased work speed for all villagers by Mining Camps, healing of nearby units by Monks, increased HP for nearby walls by Towers, conversion resistance for nearby units by Monks carrying relics, increased HP for nearby buildings and units by Wonders, and increased attack for nearby units by unique units.


    Universities give units around them IQ so that they stop pathing like freakin imbeciles 11


    Siege weapons next to seige shops heal over time

    I’m also generally okay with all units being healed over time just being around their base, as long as no damage has been dealt to them in 10 seconds or so


    I would love to see civs with rice fields in addition/instead of farms.

    In dry land they play the same role.

    Adjust wood cost, food available and gathering rate at convenience.

    But if they are placed next to water, they have some kind of bonus, like instant building time and x% lasting more

    Not because food isn’t balanced, its just i like to see regional diversity in games and playstyles


    Also about wonders could have the same effect to vils as the strongholds.

    You put one in the midle of your eco a kind of anti raid or protection.

    Make it cheaper in RM, but you can only build one


    The Inca made use of a series of weapon & armor depots which allowed traveling soldiers to not be as weighed down when traveling between 2 of them, as they didn’t need to carry as much.

    This could be a bonus, either for a unique building or just make it apply to the Blacksmith.


    I want to see a civ get sea gates and walls from the scenario editor, maybe lighthouse too.


    I would love to see a bonus associated with wonders.

    I don’t even think it would be good for the game but I think it would be cool


    I’m reluctant to give auras to anything that’s not a building.

    But buildings can have interesting effects on nearby units/buildings for new civs or if any of them needs a buff


    > Farms next to TC’s +20% food

    Too similar to folwarks

    > Sheep/Deer by Mills +20% food

    Ok I guess.

    > Villagers by Lumper Camps +Armor


    idk, ask pros.

    > All villagers by Mining Camps work faster

    How is that different from gold and stone mining bonus?

    > Monks slowly heal all nearby units

    Redundant as they already heal and could also be too op if enemy has no way of sniping even the single monk.

    > Towers +HP to nearby walls

    Make non BBT towers viable first.

    > Monks carrying a Relic +Conversion resistance to nearby units

    I do not think risking losing a relic is worth it.

    > Wonders +HP to nearby buildings, units

    What is a wonder?

    > Unique Units +Attack to nearby units

    You would need an indicator of units having an attack buff, I guess a small icon under health bar would be fine?…

    And even just +1 attack to all nearby units could go out of hand and would likely balanced by taking away the last attack upgrades…

    at which point you might as well remove the +1 attack aura and give back bracer and blast furnace…

    There is just still a lot of things to fix from vanilla aoe2


    A civ bonus that allows rams to move without using a formation. 🤯🤯🤯

    A civ bonus that stops units from automatically switching between line and column formation 🤯

    These sound like stupid ideas but they would actually fix the game.

    I like your suggestions except for the wonder one, as they’re almost never seen in 96% of games.

    The farming bonus seems similar to folwark but is very different.

    Seems people can’t think that far.


    so i guess aoe things are new ideas for aoe rn..



    I think the strongholds only half infantry on within 7 tiles.

    Did I hear that correctly?

    Wonder ideas are probably my favorite, as they have no function in the competitive scene today.


    If we get Rome as a civ – the vexillum, the bloke that held the standard.

    Giving a boost to soldiers fighting near him, +1 or 2 attack.

    Cool little spqr flag.

    Would be amazing

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