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  • #6314

    If someone presses Alt+F4 during the queue countdown, they may be banned, except for the person who did it.

    This is thanks to the developers who have put in place a system that prevents such an occurrence.

    I experienced this firsthand when I was typing a message to my teammate in the queue and accidentally pressed “Enter” instead of “Send”.

    This resulted in a black screen and, ultimately, a ban.

    This serves as a reminder to not chat during the countdown, as it can lead to crashing and potentially a ban.


    Next time just wait until the clock says 5 minutes if everyone else quits.

    You only get queue dodge penalty if you resign before the timer reaches 5 minutes.


    How sure are you that it was an Alt + F4?

    You could have unknowingly disconnected yourself.


    I wrote a message, like ‘hey’, during this time someone dodged, I pressed enter – got black screen

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