Randomized Hypermap with Standard Resources

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  • #10201

    I have been playing Zetnus Hyperrandom a lot lately as megarandom became a bit too predictable.

    The issue I’m having is the randomness of the resources; a boar might only have 100 food, a gold pile 300 gold, and so on.

    HyperRandom Light is balanced in terms of resources but the map script is more predictable.

    Is this just bad luck or is HyperRandom Light less random in terms of maps than HyperRandom?

    Is there a version of HyperRandom where the map is as random but the resources are standard (800 per Gold tile, 350 per stone tile, etc.)?

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Light is what you want to use in that case.

    The map layouts will be a bit less crazy there as well, that is true.

    But I don’t currently offer a version that just keeps the resources standard.

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