Random Civilizations Dislike Me

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    Today, two of the three games were Dravidian-style, with the third being Vietnam versus a Frank player.

    I’m not sure why the computer keeps giving me these Dravidian games – it feels like I’m being targeted!

    If anyone has a good Dravidian strategy, I’m all ears.


    Best bet is probably to go archers quickly.

    You have great skirmishers and elephant archers(although you miss all stable upgrades).

    If they go skirms against you you can add a few elephants(even though they are barely upgradable).

    Later add infantry(urumi swordsman+halbs and champs) as you got some good infantry bonuses/barracks bonuses.


    Drav get FU arbs, cheap MAA upgrade and extra wood.

    They’re crying out for an MAA into archers build, maybe 20 pop.

    Alternatively if you play defensive their skirms are among the best around and if you can reach Elite Urumi with Wootz Steel and Elite Skirm then that kills most things that aren’t Onager/SO (which nobody ever techs into ime).

    They also have good elephant archers who are obviously a weird unit to mass due to their resource cost but if you’re against xbows who are, for example, better than yours (so Britons, Viets, Ethiopians etc) then elephant archers are great at tanking damage.


    Scouts opening into Elephants…

    With 200 Wood extra after every age up, just be real easy to pull off…

    Just watch happily as your Pachyderms destroy the Frank Knights…


    Dravidians are tricky to play, in feudal age you can go for a great archer/skirmisher rush, maa archers is also effective.

    In castle age everyone knows your mango weakness so I’d not commit heavily to raiding and go for a defensive castle and start massing urumis, long swords, skirms, eles or whatever you’re aiming for.

    Make sure to have a siege workshop and a university to quickly get bombards and then push.

    In imperial age you’ll be able to demolish everything with wootz steel so get it asap, and also get your mango counters ready.

    If you need to go for a big push use your siege eles which regen.

    Don’t feel like you need to use wootz steel, you’re supposed to have a big amount of late game options, not be forced into champions like you’re vikings or something.

    Generally castle age is the worst age for dravidians because your opponent already made 50 scorpions and killed all your crossbows.

    Also if you’re against dravidians keep them off stone for as long as possible.


    If you wanna have fun go all in MAA and back it up with skirm


    I’ve randomed into Dravidians a few times and kind of like them now.

    You just have a really smooth eco with FU archers that are viable all game, they’re great on hybrid maps with fishing, then late game you can transition into wootz steel infantry/light cav and skirms.

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