Quick Buffing of Dravidians

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  • #21830

    In addition to their wood bonus, they will now also receive some stone.

    This will give them the option to use powerful MAA into towers or place a defensive tower while still dropping TCs.

    The bonus is more valuable in the late game, providing a resource that continues to be important even in Imperial Age where wood is not as crucial.

    With both wood and stone in Castle Age, they can potentially drop more TCs or additional buildings like a workshop, university, or monastery.

    It also allows for the possibility to sell the stone in a fast castle build for a more competitive uptime.

    Overall, this bonus is a flexible boost for them in both open and closed maps without making them too overpowered in hybrid and water maps where they are already strong.



    I dislike these “get stuff upon age up” bonuses.

    Dravidians are fine till they reach the midgame, then not having stable units and only having generic archers hurts them.

    Elephant archers are just too expensive in castle age, and to make matters worse they have pretty bad monks.

    Perhaps a change to their underused unique tech.

    What if it also applied to more units?


    You know Dravidians are already a high tier civ in tournaments right?


    Current eco bonus is just do some spike in feudal age and very less in Castle age.

    For imperial age its nothing.

    If we compare Japanese civ they save same wood even before reaching feudal age and castle age.

    You are right eco bonus has to be addressed.

    And also redemption for the monks is a must.

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