Query: Has a Player with an Elo Rating of 1100 Improved Over the Last Three Years?

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    Would a player with an ELO rating of 1100 be a better player at the end of 2022 than they were at the end of 2020 after three years of playing DE?


    This is just an assumption so I might be wrong.

    Back then there were probably more newer players, meaning that peoples elo could’ave been inflated simply because they were beating a higher number of worse players than them.

    I believe that over a long period of time or with more games played peoples elo settles to their correct elo, and the skill gap becomes thinner between these close elos.

    Hope that made sense lol.


    Realizing your mistakes is part of becoming better.


    As time goes on the competition in sports only gets higher. 2022 wins.


    No, the opposite is true.

    You are better than 3 years ago, pros are better than 3 years ago.


    Hi Everyone, let me explain.

    As in the title, is a 1100 elo player of two years ago a better player then a 1100 player of today ?

    I remember two years ago how I struggled to hit the the 1100 elo, when I can play now in Feb 23 1v1 I am now flirting with 1400.

    Despite this I don’t feel as if I am a better player, at times I feel even worse then when I was 1100.

    Is there like some sort of elo inflation ?

    We now see the pros hitting 2800 whereas two years ago I think 2500 was the highest.

    What is everyone else’s opinion?


    Thanks everyone on your comments but is a 1100 elo player two years ago better then a 1100 elo player of today…..

    same goes for all elos.

    What does everyone think ?


    Short answer, no way to know.

    Long answer: elo inflation isnt uniform.

    If there is an influx of players who soon become the current 1200 elo, then they ‘push down’ the current 1100 and lower players and also ‘push ip’ the players above them.

    Regarding your or anyone’s skills, with time you know how to react better etc etc.

    I used to be 950 elo with 30-40 APM.

    Now I am 1100 with 20-30 APM.

    It’s just that I am able to decide what’s important and what’s not better than my 2020 self.

    Viper isn’t better by 400 elo though, he just is better than lots more players in 2023 than 2020.

    At your level, 1400, you have probably gotten better, or there has been a huge influx of players of about 800-1000 elo level which caused your elo to inflate.

    No way to know.

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