Provide Increased Speed to Greek Fire Projectiles

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  • #5729

    It appears that using Greek Fire as Byzantines can lead to Fire Ships missing their targets at maximum range.

    I am not sure if this is accurate or not, but if it is, the developers should consider increasing the projectile speed to resolve this issue.

    If the problem has already been fixed, disregard my suggestion.

    Otherwise, I recommend the aforementioned adjustment or some other solution to address this flaw.


    According to wikia they have built-in ballistics so idk what faster projectile speed accomplishes with the exception of targetting a juking ship.



    Edit – tried it in the editor, I was truly talking out of my ass.


    Byzantines already have 25% faster attacking fire ships as a civ bonus.

    They have the best fire ships without a question, no need for a buff.


    It should definitely be fixed.

    Yet after so many years of this bug existing, I won’t get my hopes up.

    It’s similar to how Byzantine docks end up actually weaker despite the extra hp.

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