Provide Goths with a 25% Increase in Food from Huntables

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  • #11349

    I keep harping on this because two of their rewards are outdated.

    Their hunting incentive is outdated and needs to be modernized.


    Low and mid-elo players may find use of this bonus.

    Long distance deer hunting is a reasonable alternative for players that don’t/can’t push deer.

    I haven’t made the calculations but maybe long distancing with 2 villagers per deer can give you some extra useful food.

    So if you want to buff them and don’t make them lose their bonus identity, I’d increase this bonus to +20 F or +25 F and see how it goes.

    It could produce interesting build orders hunting deers long distance.




    Being able to use fewer villagers to bring all food back from hunt in one trip absolutely has practical uses lol.

    Goths are a very strong civ anywhere below 2k and don’t need any bufs.

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