Proceeding with CA+Hussar After Gaining a Large Lead in Timing

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    This is the second time I have been defeated in Tatars CA after having a significant advantage in terms of both score and timing.

    I am not sure what my next step should be after I have achieved 40 CA, 80-90 vils and some knights surrounding the walls.

    Should I concentrate on stabilizing my economy, upgrading my hussars, improving my armor, raiding and defending my eco?

    Should I focus on upgrading my CA, getting bracer and chem and placing forward castles?


    Instant bracer + chemistry, instant trebs if you are in a position that makes trebbing relevant, otherwise raid raid raid with your CA.


    Castle forward?

    Start trebbing?

    Raid him to death with hussar (now way he doesn’t have holes in walls at this point)


    Instant trebs and raids.

    While he is occupied, getting good castle spots and taking the ressources on the map.

    Also, how did he come back?

    So if he managed to raid you to death (while you couldn’t), just do that to him (and use some time to protect yourself from raids – castle spots, spreading out, plugging holes, if he is already in – military….)


    Would need more context but I would say the best bet is to, at minimum, grab bracer and chemistry asap (Heavy CA can wait until your in a better position).

    Grabbing halb instead of Hussar is a good option if your vs mass cav as hussar are just a meatshield that could be better served with the halbs which are a meatshield and threat to the opposing cav.

    Once your opponents army isnt going to shread your eco if you move out just hit the opponent’s eco, foreward castle, endless hussar raids etc.

    Just finish them off then.


    I think your premise may be wrong. 80-90 vills in Imp + arbs and some BBCs/trebs is a strong push.

    With CA it isn’t as good because HCA is expensive AF, and the mobility isn’t as useful because you don’t have a hussar engine going yet. 80-90 vills is nowhere near enough to do that.

    I’d take a step back here and go well, you assume that you getting that imp timing means you are ahead, but are you actually?

    If you aren’t ahead in vills then I’d argue you are not ahead.

    I think stay in castle age longer, boom harder and then go to Imp with like 120 vills then you can actually get to HCA + hussar and really dominate?

    Like why are HCA better than arbs?

    Because pop effectively they are stronger with full upgrades, if you aren’t pop capped then they aren’t better than arbs.

    If you don’t have all upgrades then they aren’t better than arbs.

    So perhaps boom then go to Imp when you can be pop capped and have all upgrades?

    Ofc in some games they have forward castles or something and so well you need Imp to treb them down, but I bet in those games you aren’t struggling with closing it out!

    But otherwise maybe boom longer before going to Imp?

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