Preventing a Swift Castle Escape
- This topic has 12 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years, 1 month ago by
January 27, 2023 at 11:15 am #5109
Anonymous Player
MemberNo matter how hard I try, I seem to be losing every time I play Hideout.
I attempt to be aggressive with scouts, archers and tower rush, but the other player always manages to wall in and go FC.
Then their knights come out and wipe out my Feudal army.
Is there a way to stop this from happening or is playing FC on Hideout the only option?
January 27, 2023 at 11:15 am #5110russianpolarbear32
Guestmaa towers, towers,maa archers is the way to go if u want to play feudal on that map.
Not so long ago there was a player who managed to douche in hideout several times at 1600 elo and win
January 27, 2023 at 11:15 am #5111Hearbinger
GuestI really enjoy Saracen siege archers.
The bonus against buildings makes them tear through palisades super quickly and vils just can’t wall behind.
Follow up with a stable and make a few scouts to kill skirms if they show up.
In castle age you’ll already have a stable to transition into camels if they go heavy on knights.
You can even send a couple of vils forward to make towers if you like, although that’s something that I used to do more often on Enclosed, since there are so many exposed resources.
January 27, 2023 at 11:15 am #5112Urc0mp
GuestMen at arms just eat up walls.
Having archers or towers to prevent tons of rewalling helps.
Fighting castle age army with feudal age army isn’t great, but you can make spears for knights or scouts for seige to keep surviving.
Sometimes the enemy gets knights out, but you can keep pressure and get up to castle age a little later with better eco.
January 27, 2023 at 11:15 am #5113kokandevatten
GuestMen at arms towers, but its more that you can delay him and get an advantage.
He will probably get to castle first, but hopefully with weak eco.
January 27, 2023 at 11:15 am #5114FloosWorld
GuestDefinitely trush, maybe with Poles that get a passive gold income from mining stone.
January 27, 2023 at 11:15 am #5115flightlessbirdi
GuestI mean even for Arabia is pretty impossible to stop someone going FC if they are really committed to it, its just a matter of how damaged they are when they get there.
For Arabia usually that is very damaged.
So your aim isn’t really to prevent the FC but to damage them to the extend that they are significantly damaged or dead for doing so.
For Hideout it is more difficult to do damage, but M@a + towers (and potentially adding archers) do have pretty good damage potential, especially if your generation has a shorter rush distance.
The follow up is also important, since your enemy will likely get a better eco in exchange for you having better army and map control (that is assuming they do a decent job defending), so once you get to castle age it is recommended to either:
stone wall off the map with your control (ideally quite forward walls) and booming while trying to force the enemy to overcommit to army with a minimal investment, or
continuing an all in push (fwd siege/castles) to prevent them expanding or utilizing their superior eco effectively.
Been a while since I have played 1v1 hideout, but I think generally FC with decent minimal investment preparation for fedual aggro is slightly more likely to succeed than feudal aggro.
Feudal aggro probably still a decent option though, depends on civ match up and rush distance etc as to if it will be optimal or not.
January 27, 2023 at 11:15 am #5116justingreg
GuestAt your elo, I think the problem most likely is that you didn’t go up to castle age faster than you could have with your fuedal aggression.
I have a decent win rate on Hideout (my elo 14xx) with fudedal aggression by doing MAA + archers.
It’s better to do this with a civ with some bonus so your uptime won’t be too much later.
1) get the archers or tower faster to his base so this will force him to do counter units and delay his up time.
If you can do this you are already winning.
If you allow him to wall or do buildings that means your archers are not fast enough to prevent walling vills.
2) if he committed to fc he can always achieve it, but with a much worse eco.
If he have a few knights he can clear up your fuedal army, which is fine.
You don’t overcommit, depending on his army, you just need to defend just enough to prevent him destroying your walls, go up and then your castle age army should be stronger and you will have better eco.
January 27, 2023 at 11:15 am #5117laguardia528
GuestTrush + M@A.
Even if he walls behind, keep up the pressure and force him to respond with either a counter tower or military.
Even if he commits to the FC after that he should struggle to get any eco behind it if you’ve denied his forward resources.
January 27, 2023 at 11:15 am #5118Koala_eiO
GuestIt depends on your Elo.
If you attack early with 2 archery ranges, you can enter their base with 8 archers and have some kills.
You will be late to castle age but you will have more villagers.
January 27, 2023 at 11:15 am #5119Sotiwe_astral
GuestAgro in feudal and force him to build the castle in his base
January 27, 2023 at 11:15 am #5120SheAllRiledUp
GuestFeudal stone walls 11
January 27, 2023 at 11:15 am #5121total_score2
GuestYou don’t, it’s an FC map.
It’s like asking how to prevent FC on arena.
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