Playing as a Meso Civilization Against Fast Imperial Turks in Arena

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    I find it difficult to play as the Mayans when I’m up against the Turks in the early game.

    The Turks usually send in their Janissaries first, followed quickly by an Imperial Age rush with Bombards.

    I understand that I should not boom excessively against the Turks, but I would appreciate some more tips and advice on how to handle this situation at 1400-1500 ELO.


    Mayans are objectively one of the worst civs on Arena, and Turks objectively one of the best.

    At a high-level, the turks player should win 90% of the time.

    But, your best bet is probably vinch trush into relics and faster imp, or defensive castle and plumes


    As Aztecs, go fast imp yourself, convert their bbc and janis/HCs, it’s actually pretty easy to deal with.

    I find Aztecs actually have a pretty good matchup against Turks because their fast imp is quite good against castle drops and Turk’s own fast imp.

    Just have to kill quick.


    Trush or if you can pull it off, eagles and siege tower


    I had some sucess with making a few eagels and preventing castle drop and also getting the relics.

    After that use eagels to snipe any bombard canons and try to go to imp for arbalests.

    As others have said mayans arent all that great on arena.

    Aztecs and incas can at least go for monk rush and easily add eagels to it as well..


    Plums should destroy that, depends on castle location though, if it’s in your face then it will be difficult.


    Meso civs aside from aztecs are terrible arena picks because of no bombards and lacking important monk upgrades (redemption as mayans, fervor as incas) plus their unique units aren’t great at being castle dropped (war wagons, conqs and organ guns are hard to kill).

    Never smushed on arena but it might be ok vs fast imp? 🤷‍♂️


    Either pick poles, porto, turks, bohemians, or Spanish, lose your match, or ban arena.

    I await my downvotes, truth hurts sometimes.


    Step 1 is to make sure he can’t get forward castle
    Step 2 is to either find a way to keep his Janis number low until imp or find a way that get huge eco lead and snipe cannons

    When in doubt Trush and castle drop yourself, maybe you can sneak a eagle raid or something but if he is good Meso loose like 4 out of 5



    Convert everything…


    On arena the civ you are going to want to find is Turks, or failing that maybe Poles or Portugese or Bohemians.

    There aren’t many viable civs.


    Firstly don’t play mayans on arena.

    One of the worst civs here.

    In terms of gameplay it depends what you exactly up against.

    But most generally the faster imp (it’s not strictly fast imp as you play in castle age before with jannisaries).

    In the end the turk player will either immediately drop a forward castle or do so once they have map control with their second castle.

    One way to beat this play is preventing the castle from going up.

    You could try defensive castle plumes but that only works if you don’t a castle in your face.

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